Version 4.3.2 of the Quantum ESPRESSO distribution is available<br>for download from the website <a href=""></a> and<br><a href=""></a>. This release fixes several bugs and contains<br>
the following improvements over version 4.3.1:<br><br>* A few crystal lattices can be specified using the traditional<br> crystallography parameter (labelled with negative ibrav values)<br>* A few extensions to PP format converters, conversion to UPF v.2<br>
* C09 GGA Exchange functional, courtesy of Ikutaro Hamada<br><br>For a list of bug fixes, see file Doc/release-notes.<br><br>Everybody who is using the Quantum ESPRESSO distribution is encouraged<br>to upgrade and to report problems to the mailing list.<br>
<br>The Quantum ESPRESSO group<br><br>