<div dir="ltr">Hello everybody,<br><br>I have a job file that perform a scf calculation (pw.x)<br>and phonon calculation (ph.x).<br><br>the script runs good for pw.x but when It reaches to run ph.x it gives me <br>this error:<br>
<br>Unable to read script file because of error: ERROR! invalid option argument "-rsh"<br><br>mpi is fine and the espresso version is 4.1.2 and it does good for any other calculation <br>but for phonon calculation that error appears <br>
<br>here is the script:<br><br><br>#!/bin/csh -f<br><br>#$ -N Auphon <br>#$ -S /bin/csh<br>#$ -pe mpi_o_* 16<br>#$ -M <a href="mailto:m.saghayezhian@gmail.com">m.saghayezhian@gmail.com</a><br>#$ -m baes<br>#$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out<br>
#$ -notify<br>#$ -cwd<br>#$ -l h_rt=200:00:00<br><br>set mpi="/home-fs4/sp0088/mpi/xeon/mvapich-1.1/bin/mpirun_rsh"<br>set pwx="/home-fs4/hp0070/softs/espresso-4.1.2/bin/pw.x"<br>set phx="/home-fs4/hp0070/softs/espresso-4.1.2/bin/ph.x"<br>
<br>set case=aup<br>set wdir=`pwd`<br>set scratchfile="/scratch/hp0070/$case"<br>#set makdir="mkdir -p $scratchfile"<br>#set deldir="rm -rf $scratchfile"<br><br>set HOSTFILE="$TMPDIR/machines"<br>
cat $HOSTFILE > $wdir/$case.host<br>set nodes=16<br>setenv MKL_NUM_THREADS 1<br>setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS 1<br><br>mkdir -p $scratchfile<br><br>@ i=1<br>while ( $i <= $nodes )<br>set node=` head -$i $wdir/$case.host | tail -1 `<br>
rsh $node $makdir<br>@ i= $i + 4<br>end<br><br># cat $PE_HOSTFILE | cut -c 1-6 > .hostfile<br># HOSTFILE=".hostfile" # HOSTFILE=$PE_HOSTFILE<br><br>echo $NSLOTS<br><br>### Here we have a real running command<br>
<br>$mpi -rsh -np 16 -legacy -hostfile $wdir/$case.host $pwx -npool 2 < $wdir/au-a3.90108 > $wdir/scf.out<br><br>cat << end2 > $wdir/<a href="http://ph.in">ph.in</a><br>phonon <br>&inputph<br> tr2_ph=1.0d-14,<br>
prefix='Au',<br> ldisp=.true.,<br> nq1=4 , nq2=4 , nq3=4,<br> amass(1)=196.96655,<br> outdir='./',<br> fildyn='au.dyn',<br> /<br>end2<br><br>$mpi -rsh -np 16 -legacy -hostfile $wdir/$case.host $phx -npool 2 < $wdir/<a href="http://ph.in">ph.in</a> > $wdir/ph.out<br>
<br>rm -rf $scratchfile<br>#./job1 #/homes/hp0070/bin/killpwx ./$case.host<br><br>rm -rf $scratchfile<br><br>@ i=1<br>while ( $i <= $nodes )<br>set node=` head -$i $wdir/$case.host | tail -1 `<br>rsh $node $deldir<br>
@ i= $i + 4<br>
end<br><br>echo finished<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>-------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Mohammad Saghayezhian<br>Computational Condensed Matter Research Lab<br>Physics Department, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran<br>
<br>Tel lab: +98 311 391 3731 Fax Office: +98311 391 3746 <br>-------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>