<br clear="all"><br>Dear QE Developers and Users <br><br>I use PWSCF for simulation of Au13 cluster. I complied software completely and I run all of examples without error.<br><br>My system seems suitable for this purpose.(RAM = 8 GIGABYTE , PROCESSOR = QUADCORE 2.8 , OPERATION SYSTEM = <br>
UBUNTU 9.10) but the software stops with segmentation fault error (code 174) frequently. <br>I studied user-guide and writings in forum and I performed these actions :<br>1) all of libraries are compiled completely (ifort & mkl & ic).<br>
2) I checked position of atoms with xcrysden and I did not found any problem.<br>3) I used almost of US pseudopotentials for Au in site and all of them have problem.<br>4) I tried to use diagonalization='cg' but this error remained.<br>
<br>Is it possible that all of PP-US related to Au are bad pseudopotential, typically with a ghost, or a USPP giving non-positive charge<br>density, leading to a violation of positiveness of the S matrix appearing in the USPP formalism ? OR Is PWSCF unable to simulate heavy atoms such as Au or Pd because of lack of suitable USPP? <br>
<br>I really appreciate you for solving this problem.<br><br><br>My input file :<br><br>&control<br> calculation='relax'<br> title='Au13'<br> restart_mode='from_scratch'<br> outdir='./tmp'<br>
prefix='Au13'<br> etot_conv_thr=1.0D-4<br> pseudo_dir = './'<br> /<br> &system<br> ibrav= 2, celldm(1) = 38,nat= 13, ntyp= 1,<br> ecutwfc =52.0, ecutrho=520.0,<br> occupations='smearing',smearing='mv',degauss=0.01,<br>
nspin=1,<br> /<br> &electrons<br> electron_maxstep=100,<br> diagonalization='cg',<br> conv_thr=1.0D-6,<br> mixing_beta=0.5,<br> /<br>&ions<br> ion_dynamics='bfgs'<br>/<br>&cell<br>
/<br><br>ATOMIC_SPECIES<br> Au 196.97 Au.pbe-nd-van.UPF<br>ATOMIC_POSITIONS {angstrom}<br>Au 4.844 4.844 4.844<br>Au 0.000 4.844 7.833<br>Au 4.844 7.833 0.000<br>Au 4.844 7.833 9.688<br>
Au 9.688 4.844 1.855<br>Au 1.855 0.000 4.844<br>Au 1.855 9.688 4.844<br>Au 4.844 1.855 9.688<br>Au 7.833 9.688 4.844<br>Au 4.844 1.855 0.000<br>Au 9.688 4.844 7.833<br>
Au 7.833 0.000 4.844<br>Au 0.000 4.844 1.855<br>K_POINTS {automatic}<br>2 2 2 1 1 1<br><br>Reza . Shidpour<br>SUT<br>