<br>Dear QE USERS,<br><br>I got the following error in the version 4.2 of QE :<br><br>Running oxygen test...<br> * generating<br> * testing<br> * testing with spin<br>done<br><br>Generating PAW datasets library<br> * Be: (16:35:55)... plotting... done<br>
* C: (16:35:56)... plotting... done<br> * Cl: (16:35:56)...STOP 2<br>ld1 failed! Aborting...<br><br>Is there someone else who also has encountered the same error ?????<br><br>Does anyone has PAW data for other elements, for instance, Eu or Sm ?????<br>
Is this possible to use ABINIT PAW inside PWSCF ?????<br><br>With best regards,<br>Saha SK<br>R&D Assistant<br>JNCASR<br>India<br>