<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Dear all,<br><br>I wanted to built a supercell for my system in QE. I went through the forum and saw some procedures. I followed this:<br><br>1. Upload the unit cell in XcrySDen, display the asymmetric unit, modify the number of unit drawn to fit the shape of the desired supercell (2*2*2) and then save the XSF file.<br><br>2. From the XSF file, the coordinates of atoms in the supercell are obtained, in angstrom.<br><br>But the problem is with the CELL. How should I built the CELL parameters and read the final structure with XCrySDen?<br><br><br>Note: I choosed the same ibrav as for the unit cell, then multiply the celldm by 2, but the structure does'nt look fine in XCrySDen.<br><br>Thans for your help<br><br><br><br>*************************<br>Bertrand SITAMTZE YOUMBI<br>Laboratory of Material Sciences<br>Department of Physics<br>University of Yaounde