<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Dear all,<br><br>I performed several molecular dynamic runs but I still<br>facing some difficulties in choosing the time step and<br>fictitious electron mass that help to control the adiabaticity.<br><br>I search the web and read some documents, but I still lack<br>a good paper that takes the problem in its practical aspect<br>(how to know if the time step should be increase or not, <br>how to manage the electrons mass after the .evp file, etc).<br><br>Can somebody give me a hint?<br><br>**********************************<br>Bertrand SITAMTZE YOUMBI<br>Research and Teaching Assistant<br>Laboratory of Material Sciences<br>Department of Physics<br>University of Yaoundé I-Cameroon<br>*************************************<br><br></td></tr></table><br>