<div>Dear paolo:</div>
<div> I have the same question with Mikiyas Tsegaye:what about the interaction terms for the atoms within the same unit cell?<br><span></span></div>
<div> What I know about the .fc file is abtained form this website:<a href="http://www.democritos.it/pipermail/pw_forum/2008-September/010099.html">http://www.democritos.it/pipermail/pw_forum/2008-September/010099.html</a>.</div>
<div> The following content is copyed from the above website:</div>
<div><em>"F_{\alpha,\beta}^{i,j}(R), where \alpha, \beta are atomic numbers, i,j are polarization vectors (x,y,z), |and R is the distance between two atoms in units of lattice vectors. <br>Below there are examples how these lines should be treated.<br>
4 4 4 - you used 4x4x4 q-points to generate FC<br>1 3 1 2 - x, z, 1st atom, 2nd atom<br>4 3 2 0.1234 - R=i*a+j*b+k*c, where i,j,k are integers from 1 to 4 (you used 4x4x4 mesh), a,b,c are lattice vectors. 0.1234 is F_{1,2}^{x,z}(R(4,3,2))."<br>
</em><br> And at the up email, you said it shoud be "<em>C_{na \alpha, nb \beta}(R)</em>", instead of "<em>F_{\alpha,\beta}^{i,j}(R),</em>". I am a little confused.</div>
<div><br>Thanks you ;)</div>
<div> <br>____________________________________<br>Hui Wang<br>School of physics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China </div>