<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Dear all<br>My results after doing LDA+U is very strange for isolated Ti atoms. For d(alpha)/d(n) I see discontinuities .is our result true? And is any way to correct that?<br>Another question:If our calculation for U instead in the bulk, would be done in big supercell, Do I get different value for U or both are same?<br>thanks a lot<br><br>Ali <span>Kazempour</span><br>
Physics department, Isfahan University of Technology<br>
84156 Isfahan, Iran. Tel-1: +98 311 391 3733<br>
Fax: +98 311 391 2376 Tel-2: +98 311 391 2375</td></tr></table><br>