<P>I am working with parent compound LaOFeAs and want to calculate scf calculation for doping F in place of O (LaO1-xFxFeAs). How can I make the input file for this purpose. Input file for parent compound is given below.</P><P>&CONTROL<BR></P> calculation = 'scf' ,<BR> restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,<BR> outdir = '/root/temp/' ,<BR> pseudo_dir = '/root/espresso-4.0.5/pseudo/' ,<BR> prefix = 'LaOFeAs' ,<BR> /<BR> &SYSTEM<BR> ibrav = 6,<BR> celldm(1) = 7.620676376,<BR> celldm(3) = 2.167568466,<BR> nat = 8,<BR> ntyp = 4,<BR> ecutwfc = 50.0 ,<BR> ecutrho = 400.0 ,<BR> occupations = 'smearing' ,<BR> degauss = 0.01 ,<BR> smearing = 'gaussian' ,<BR> n
spin = 1 ,<BR> lda_plus_u = .false. ,<BR> /<BR> &ELECTRONS<BR> electron_maxstep = 200,<BR> conv_thr = 1.D-8 ,<BR> mixing_beta = 0.7 ,<BR> diagonalization = 'cg' ,<BR> diago_thr_init = 1.D-2 ,<BR> /<BR>ATOMIC_SPECIES<BR> O 15.99940 O.pbe-rrkjus.UPF <BR> Fe 55.84700 Fe.pbe-nd-rrkjus.UPF <BR> As 74.92162 As.pbe-n-van.UPF <BR> La 138.90550 La.pbe-nsp-van.UPF <BR>ATOMIC_POSITIONS crystal <BR> O 0.750000000 0.250000000 0.000000000 <BR> O 0.250000000 0.750000000 0.000000000 <BR> Fe 0.750000000 0.250000000 0.500000000 <BR> Fe 0.250000000 0.750000000 0.500000000 <BR> As 0.250000000 0.250000000 0.651660000 <BR> As 0.750000000 0.750000000 0.348340000 <BR> La 0.250000000 0.250000000 0.141340000 <BR> La 0.750000000 0.750000
000 0.858660000 <BR>K_POINTS automatic <BR> 6 6 3 0 0 0 <BR><BR><BR><br><br><div style="border-top:1px dashed #ccc; border-bottom:1px dashed #ccc; padding:5px;"><a href="http://mail.in.com/mails/new_reg.php?utm_source=invite&utm_medium=outgoing" style="font:13px arial; color:#1E56A1; text-decoration:none;">Dear <b>pw_forum!</b> Get Yourself a cool, short <b>@in.com</b> Email ID now!</a></div>