<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV>Dear all, </DIV>
<DIV> I want to calculate phonon frequencies at Gamma for superconductor KOs2O6, according to the example02, first I run scf calculation using pw.x command without any error, but when I perform the phonon calculation, the error appears as forrows:</DIV>
<DIV> from phq_readin: error # 1</DIV>
<DIV> no elec. field with metals</DIV>
<DIV>Who can tell me why? Thank you very much!</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>The input files as follows:</DIV>
<DIV> &CONTROL<BR> calculation = 'scf' ,<BR> restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,<BR> outdir = '/home/ww/data/kos2o6/' ,<BR> wfcdir = '/home/ww/data/kos2o6/' ,<BR> pseudo_dir = '/home/ww/PWscf/pseudo/' ,<BR> prefix = 'kos2o6' ,<BR> /<BR> &SYSTEM</DIV>
<DIV> ibrav = 2,<BR> celldm(1) = 19.0945,<BR> nat = 18,<BR> ntyp = 3,<BR> ecutwfc = 60 ,<BR> ecutrho = 600
,<BR> occupations = 'smearing' ,<BR> degauss = 0.03<BR> smearing = 'gauss' ,<BR> /<BR> &ELECTRONS<BR> conv_thr = 1.0D-8 ,<BR> mixing_beta = 0.7 ,<BR> /<BR>ATOMIC_SPECIES<BR> K 39.10000 K.pbe-sp.UPF<BR> Os 190.20000 Os.pbe-n-van.UPF<BR> O 16.00000 O.pbe-van_ak.UPF<BR>ATOMIC_POSITIONS crystal<BR>
<DIV>K_POINTS {automatic}<BR> 10 10 10 0 0 0<BR></DIV>
<DIV> phonons of kos2o6 at Gamma<BR> &inputph<BR> tr2_ph=1.0d-14,<BR> prefix='kos2o6',<BR> epsil=.true.,<BR> amass(1)=39.10,<BR> amass(2)=190.2,<BR> amass(3)=16.00,<BR> outdir='/home/ww/data/kos2o6/',<BR> fildyn='kos2o6.dynG',<BR> /<BR>0.0 0.0 0.0<BR></DIV></td></tr></table><br>
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