Dear All Users,<br><br>I was going to calculating phonon frequency of MgB2 at Gamma point.But I got the minus value at the lowest three branch.<br><br> q = ( 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 ) <br> <br> **************************************************************************<br>
omega( 1) = -1.333147 [THz] = -44.469304 [cm-1]<br> omega( 2) = -1.333147 [THz] = -44.469304 [cm-1]<br> omega( 3) = -1.003834 [THz] = -33.484515 [cm-1]<br> omega( 4) = 9.706117 [THz] = 323.763351 [cm-1]<br>
omega( 5) = 9.706117 [THz] = 323.763351 [cm-1]<br> omega( 6) = 11.666010 [THz] = 389.138778 [cm-1]<br> omega( 7) = 15.807885 [THz] = 527.297796 [cm-1]<br> omega( 8) = 15.807885 [THz] = 527.297796 [cm-1]<br>
omega( 9) = 20.623897 [THz] = 687.943739 [cm-1]<br> **************************************************************************<br><br>I had already relax the lattice.And below is my inputs for scf and phonon calculation.Any suggest and comments on how to avoid the minus values was appreciated.<br>
<br><a href=""></a><br> &control<br> calculation = 'scf'<br> restart_mode='from_scratch'<br> prefix='MgB2',<br> pseudo_dir = '//Quantum-Espresso/espresso-4.0.3/pseudo/',<br>
outdir='/tmp/'<br> /<br> &system<br> ibrav=4,<br> celldm(1)=5.8398,<br> celldm(3)=1.1420,<br> nat=3,<br> ntyp=2,<br> ecutwfc = 45.0,<br> ecutrho = 450.0,<br> occupations= 'smearing',<br>
degauss= 0.03,<br> smearing= 'cold',<br> /<br> &electrons<br> mixing_beta = 0.7<br> conv_thr = 1.0d-12<br> /<br>ATOMIC_SPECIES<br> Mg 24.3 Mg.pw91-np-van.UPF<br> B 10.8 B.pw91-n-van.UPF<br>ATOMIC_POSITIONS<br>
Mg 0 0 0<br>B 0 0.57735 0.571<br>B 0.5 0.28868 0.571<br>K_POINTS {automatic}<br> 32 32 32 0 0 0<br><br><a href=""></a><br><br> MgB2<br>&inputph<br> amass(1)= 24.3,<br> amass(2)= 10.8,<br>
prefix='MgB2'<br> tr2_ph=1.0d-25,<br> alpha_mix(1)=0.5,<br> iverbosity=1,<br> outdir='//tmp/',<br> /<br>0 0 0<br><br>I also wonder how to apply 'asr' to my calculation.I could not find any option for ph.x.<br>
<br>Have a nice day!<br><br>Deng Pan<br>Nanjing University<br><br>