<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Dear all<br><br>I have a doubt in the 'occupations'. As mentioned in the INPUT_PW document the occupations = tetrahedra for DOS calculations. Is it compulsory for all materials? Occupations = tetrahedra is not accepting K_POINTs = Gamma. If i want to do Gamma point calculations then can i change the occupations argument? Say for my case its an semiconductor so can i give 'occupations= fixed' in the DOS calculations and take K_POINTS as Gamma?<br><br>Please suggest.<br><br>Regards and thanks,<br>Padmaja Patnaik<br>
Research Scholar<br>
Dept of Physics<br>
IIT Bombay<br>
Mumbai, India</td></tr></table><br>