Dear All<br><br>I met a problem when using PWscf for parallel computation. I submitted my job in the following format:<br><br>mpirun -np 8 pw.x -npool 4 < .in > .out<br><br>But my job only ran on one CPU, and some messages were listed:<br>MPI: could not run executable (case #3)<br>MPI: No details available, no log files found<br><br>When I complied PWscf, some errors appeared when make all:<br>IPO Error: unresolved : mpi_conversion_fn_null_<br> Referenced in ../Modules/parallel_include.o<br> Referenced in ../Modules/ptoolkit.o<br> Referenced in libiotk.a(iotk_error.o)<br><br>Can anyone help me?<br><br>Best regards<br>ZHANG, Chao<br>City University of Hong Kong<p>
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