Dear Dr. Paolo,<br><br>Thank you for your answer,<br>I found that when I decrease the threshold for SC in el-ph calculation tr2_ph =1e-14, q2r.x cannot read a2Fq2r data.<br>It works with tr2_ph =1e-10. So could you please help me to solve this problem from
q2r.f90? <br><br>Bac<br><br><pre>------------------------------<br>Phung Viet Bac<br>Division of Mathematical and Physical Science,<br>Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology,<br>Kanazawa University,<br>Kakuma, Kanazawa 920-1192, JAPAN
</pre><br><br><br>> (Is there any problem with a2Fq2r.* data??)<br><br>sure there is one, and it is explicitle stated in<br>the error message:<br><br>> forrtl: severe (59): list-directed I/O syntax error, unit 51,<br>
> file /../a2Fq2r.51<br><br><br>Paolo<br>---<br>Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Physics, University of Udine<br>via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy<br>Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222<br><br><br>