Dear all,<br><br>I am a newbie in using cp.x of the espresso package. I have a some problems concerning the use of nose thermostat in temperature control.<br><br>First I do an electronic and ionic minimization on my system. And finally the output file said convergence has been achieved. Then I restart from this to make a 3000K run.<br><br>Problem then emerge: when I looked at the cp.evp file, I found that the temperature has been so much higher than 3000K at some steps near the beginning (~0.079 ps to 0.089 ps, ie, 272 to 307 steps as I use dt =12), so high that the value is ****** (>10000K). However, after some 0.5 ps, the value stabilized, and fluctuating about 3000K with amplitude about a few hundred K. <br><br>Other quantites after that about 0.5 ps all look fine, but that intermediate steps with very high temperature worries me. In fact, does it matter?<br><br>Lawrence Lee Shun Hang<br>MPhil student of the Chinese University of Hong Kong<br>tel:
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