Dear Sir;<br>
I've configured PWscf successfully ... but while doing the "make all" command I had the following error : <br>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Error: Dummy argument 'dat' at (1) cannot be INTENT(OUT)</span><br style="font-weight: bold;">
<span style="font-weight: bold;">
In file iotk_dat.spp:656</span><br>
Main-server:/home/physlab/espresso-3.2 # make all<br>
test -d bin || mkdir bin<br>
if test -d iotk ; then \<br>
( cd iotk ; if test "make" = "" ; then make TLDEPS= libiotk.a ; \<br>
else make TLDEPS= libiotk.a ; fi ) ; fi<br>
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/physlab/espresso-3.2/iotk'<br>
cd src ; make libiotk.a<br>
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/physlab/espresso-3.2/iotk/src'<br>
mpif90 -O3 -x f95-cpp-input -D__FFTW -D__USE_INTERNAL_FFTW -D__MPI
-D__PARA -I../include -I./ -I../Modules -I../iotk/src
-I../PW -I../PH -I../CPV -c iotk_dat+CHARACTER1_0.f90<br>
In file iotk_dat.spp:656<br>
CHARACTER (kind=iotk_defkind_character,len=len(dat)), allocatable :: tmpdat(:)<br>
Error: Dummy argument 'dat' at (1) cannot be INTENT(OUT)<br>
In file iotk_dat.spp:656<br>
CHARACTER (kind=iotk_defkind_character,len=len(dat)), allocatable :: tmpdat(:)<br>
Error: Dummy argument 'dat' at (1) cannot be INTENT(OUT)<br>
In file iotk_dat.spp:656<br>
CHARACTER (kind=iotk_defkind_character,len=len(dat)), allocatable :: tmpdat(:)<br>
Error: Dummy argument 'dat' at (1) cannot be INTENT(OUT)<br>
make[2]: *** [iotk_dat+CHARACTER1_0.o] Error 1<br>
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/physlab/espresso-3.2/iotk/src'<br>
make[1]: *** [libiotk.a] Error 2<br>
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/physlab/espresso-3.2/iotk'<br>
make: *** [libiotk] Error 2<br>
Main-server:/home/physlab/espresso-3.2 # <br>
What Shall I do ?? any help would be very appreciaple .................... thanks<br>
Hashem <br>