Dear Nicola and Axel,<br>
Thanks for the quick reply! I was aware of the unit difference, and both the CP<br>
and PWscf runs were well converged.<br>
The system is a simple C2H4 molecule in a supercell, so the calculations were<br>
very fast -- just took a couple of minutes on my PC cluster. <br>
My experience with CP is limited. Maybe there is something wrong with my<br>
CP input file (as shown in my initial message)?<br>
Thanks again!<br>
PS. <br>
1). My pwscf run gave the following:<br>
! total
= -27.44577321 ryd<br>
estimated scf accuracy < 8.3E-09 ryd<br>
band energy
= -10.24130443 ryd<br>
one-electron contribution = -93.97118129 ryd<br>
hartree contribution = 48.15240670 ryd<br>
= -9.70116731 ryd<br>
ewald contribution = 28.07416868 ryd<br>
convergence has been achieved<br>
Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):<br>
atom 1 type 1
force = 0.00001190
0.00000000 0.00000000<br>
atom 2 type 1
force = -0.00001190
0.00000000 0.00000000<br>
atom 3 type 2
force = -0.00009911
0.00000000 -0.00008380<br>
atom 4 type 2
force = 0.00009911
0.00000000 -0.00008380<br>
atom 5 type 2
force = 0.00009911
0.00000000 0.00008380<br>
atom 6 type 2
force = -0.00009911
0.00000000 0.00008380<br>
Total force =
0.000260 Total SCF correction
= 0.000042<br>
----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br>
2). My CP run gave quite difference results:<br>
----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br>
Forces acting on atoms (au):<br>
C 0.644188E-01 0.411253E+00 0.458051E+00<br>
C -0.644221E-01 0.411256E+00 0.458049E+00<br>
H 0.640055E-02 0.147247E-01 0.834130E-02<br>
H -0.640012E-02 0.147240E-01 0.834107E-02<br>
H -0.702662E-02 0.146529E-01 -0.873173E-02<br>
H 0.702701E-02 0.146514E-01 -0.873243E-02<br>
Partial temperatures (for each ionic specie) <br>
Species Temp (K) Mean Square Displacement (a.u.)<br>
1 0.00 0.0000<br>
2 0.00 0.0000<br>
nfi ekinc temph
econs econt
vnhh xnhh0 vnhp xnhp0<br>
123 0.00000 0.0
0.0 -14.14165 -14.14165
-14.14165 -14.14165 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000<br>
DETOT (thr)
MAXFORCE (thr)<br>
MAIN: 0.135714D-08 0.1D-04 0.404064D-09 0.1D-08 0.000000D+00 0.1D+11<br>
MAIN: convergence achieved for system relaxation<br>