<div>When i tried to perform a relaxation calculation with pw.x, it return a CRASH to me with information below:</div>
<div> task # 0<br> from fft_dlay_set : error # 7<br> inconsistent number of sticks "<br clear="all"></div>
<div>I then digged forum and mannual , donot find any solution to this error . would you please give me some hints and helps ?</div>
<div>the input file is below :</div>
<div> &control<br> calculation='relax',<br> restart_mode='from_scratch',<br> prefix='ramman'<br> pseudo_dir = '/home/haiping/espresso/pseudo/',<br> outdir='/home/haiping/tmp/',
<br> etot_conv_thr =1.0D-4,<br> forc_conv_thr =1.0D-3<br> /<br> &system<br> ibrav = 12, celldm(1) = 8.4659764124291126,celldm(2)=1.00000,<br> celldm(3)=0.90841517857142851,celldm(4)=-0.48439283090427787
,<br> nat= 12, ntyp= 3,<br> ecutwfc = 32.0,ecutrho=300.0,<br> occupations ='smearing',<br> degauss= 0.03 ,<br> smearing='mv',<br> /<br> &electrons<br> diagonalization='david',
<br> mixing_mode='plain',<br> mixing_beta = 0.3,<br> conv_thr = 1.0d-10,<br>/<br>&IONS<br> ion_dynamics='bfgs',<br> pot_extrapolation='atomic',<br> wfc_extrapolation='none',
<br> /<br>ATOMIC_SPECIES<br> C 12.00 C.pbe-rrkjus.UPF<br> N 14.00674 N.pbe-rrkjus.UPF<br>..................</div>
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<div>h.p<br>-- <br>Hai-Ping Lan <br>Department of Electronics ,<br>Peking University , Bejing, 100871 </div>