Dear Espresso users !!<BR>
I will appreciate if someone tell me how I can calculate Force constant and Raman Spectra in espresso?. Can we calculate IR or Raman active mode also? Presently i am at STEP_4, in FONONI calculation.<BR>
I am very thankful to all group member of Quantum-Espresso Scientist.<BR>
Thanks a lot !!<BR>
Sincerely yours <BR>
Sanjeev Gupta <BR>
Sanjeev Kumar Gupta
Junior Research Fellow (DAE-BRNS)
Computational Condensed Matter Physics Lab.(CCMP)
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science,
The M.S.University of Baroda, Vadodara - 390 002.
Ph.No: +91-265-279 5339 (O) extn: 30-25
Email: sanjeev0302@rediffmail.com
Residential Address-
Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Hall,
Room No.-95, Boys' Hostel,M.S.University Campus,
Pratapgunj,Vadodara-390 002,Gujarat,INDIA
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