Dear Users,<br>
I think there is a mismatch in README and RUN_EXAMPLE files of Example 7.<br>
I see the following line in the README file.<br>
Calculate lambda coefficient (in file "lambda") and the a^2F(omega) function<br>
using "matdyn.x" (dos=.true.)<br>
But no lambda file in run_example of that example.<br>
Could anyone send me the input file for calculating Lambda coefficient<br>
or any useful reference to know more about El-ph coupling???<br>
I'm very much interested to know more about the post processing methods <br>
after getting the output of ph.x.<br>
I'll be highly obliged if someone help me to learn the El-ph coupling <br>
calculation using pwscf.<br>
Dear Prof. Paolo, would you like to give me some hints how to implement <br>
El-ph coupling and spin together???<br>
Looking forward to your suggestions.<br>