<div>Dear all</div> <div> </div> <div>When I try to use Xcrysden to show the structure of PbTiO3(the input file has been attached below), the Xcrysden does not work and shows a message : </div> <div>ERROR: while executing </div> <div>exeu.sh</div> <div>/home/zrz/pto/pto.rl.in</div> <div> </div> <div>But when I modify the input file, change ibrav=0 to ibrav=1, and remove the CELL_PARAMETERS card. Then the Xcrysden works well. </div> <div>Is there something wrong? Or the format of CELL_PARAMETERS card is improper?</div> <div> </div> <div>Thanks in advance</div> <div>Regards, ruizhi</div> <div> </div> <div>****************************************</div> <div>Here is the input file</div> <div>&control<BR> calculation = 'vc-relax'<BR> restart_mode = 'from_scratch'<BR> pseudo_dir = '/home/zrz/espresso-3.1.1/pseudo/'<BR>
outdir = '/home/zrz/taisuanqian/tmp/'<BR> /<BR> &system<BR> ibrav=0<BR> celldm(1)=7.50,<BR> nat=5<BR> ntyp=3<BR> nbnd=25<BR> ecutwfc=30.0<BR> occupations = 'fixed'<BR> /<BR> &electrons<BR> conv_thr = 1e-8,<BR> mixing_beta=0.3,<BR> /<BR>&IONS<BR> ion_dynamics = 'damp',<BR> /<BR> &CELL<BR> cell_dynamics ='damp-pr'</div> <div> /<BR>ATOMIC_SPECIES<BR> Pb 207.2 Pb.vdb.UPF<BR> Ti 47.867 Ti.vdb.UPF<BR> O 15.9994 O.vdb.UPF<BR>ATOMIC_POSITIONS<BR> Pb 0.000 0.000 0.000 <BR> Ti 0.500
0.500 0.500 <BR> O 0.000 0.500 0.500 <BR> O 0.500 0.500 0.000 <BR> O 0.500 0.000 0.500 <BR>K_POINTS {automatic}<BR> 4 4 4 0 0 0<BR>CELL_PARAMETERS <BR> 1.0 0 0<BR> 0 1.0 0<BR> 0 0 1.0<BR></div> <div> </div><p>
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