<div>Dear Prof Marzari and developers :</div>
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<div> Recently, I read two papers about quantum conductance calculation based on MLWFs schem for real-space hamiltonian ,i.e. cond-mat/0608146 &PRL95 076804. I did find these two simulations gave quantum conductances for large systems, .i.e . longest CNT is about 40 nm, which is of thousands atoms.
<div> As far as i know, the number of atoms that most PP-PW codes can deal with is ~ 200. So , I think the hamiltonian for obtaining quantum conductance of these larger system is not likely to be calculated with PP-PW method directly , since MLWFs are just post-processing tool for electronic structure according to the mannual. There must be some tricks for building these large systems' real space hamiltonian, though i donot know how to. Then, I tried to read most original papers about Green functions method and MLWFs , Below is my understanding of this two simualtions , would you please give me some comments ?
<div> For small systems, based on PW calculations , we can get full hamiltonian of the super cell. Just after distentanglement and localization procedures, MLWFs are obtained for this supercell. Then, We can obtain the real-space hamiltonian using MLWFs as minimal basis set. With this hamiltonian with overlap matrix , we can calculated Quantum conductance of this system.
<div> While for lage systems, I think most calculations are similar to the small system , except the procedure of real-space hamiltonian buliding .</div>
<div>Since i donot catch the ideas of this step, I just guess that we can bulid the real-space hamiltonian of large system with the real-space hamiltonian of smaller systems . But i donot know much about this procedure. Would you please help me out ? Maybe it is trival , but it is really a big barrier for me to "tunnel ".
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<div> Best wishes,</div></div>
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<div> Janiet</div>
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