Hi all,<br><br> I have some doubts with choice of ecutrho. For my test material, I use ultrasoft pseudopotentials, LDA. Using high ecutrho=400, I found that Ecutwfc=40 Ry, 4x4x4 k-point mesh is enough in order to achieve convergence. Then, I fixed these parameters and changed ecutrho. I found, that properties of my test system [rhombohedral unit cell] (total energy, lattice constant, angle between cell vectors, unit-cell volume) are almost identical to one obtained by using ecutrho=160 Ry. :
<br><br>===================================================================================================<br> EcutRho (Ry) Etot (Ry) alat (Ang) Angle volume (ang**3)
<br>===================================================================================================<br> 160 -983.62434066 5.47150468539004 60.1841848177694 116.30927040909165860688<br> 200 -
983.62458218 5.47150604640841 60.1841524430312 116.30927040909165860688<br> 240 -983.62458762 5.47150640562892 60.1841431281284 116.30927040909165860688<br> 280 -983.62458015
5.47150677576742 60.1841338128593 116.30927040909165860688<br> 320 -983.62458383 5.47150716228288 60.1841244970402 116.30927040909165860688<br> 360 -983.62456511 5.47150753788046
60.1841151815896 116.30927040909165860688<br> 400 -983.62456736 5.47150792439603 60.1841058657727 116.30927040909165860688<br> 440 -983.62456667 5.47150829999372 60.1840965503242
116.30927040909165860688<br> 480 -983.62456522 5.47150868104283 60.1840871687159 116.30927040909165860688<br> 520 -983.62456799 5.47150905663303 60.1840777872924 116.30927040909165860688
<br><br>I am a little bit confused, because in ultrasoft case ecutrho should be > 4*ecutwfc . My system contains 3 atomic species, one of them is iron. I use Fe.pz-sp-van_ak.UPF pseudopotential. I read the info about these pseudopotentials (unfortunately, for GGA only). I saw that recommended value of ecutho should be around 10-12*ecutwfc. What is the criteria for that choice?
<br><br> Best regards,<br> JK<br>