[QE-users] An error encounter in runing pw4gww.x for molecule CF4

陈曦 chenxi1994 at stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Thu Nov 8 07:16:36 CET 2018

Dear All,

    Recently I am trying to run a GW calculation of the molecule CF4. The scf calculation of CF4 finished normally. But the pw4gww.x always report bugs. The example01 of methane in QEdir/GWW/examples/example01 goes very smoothly and end up without any problem.I have also tried SiH4 molecule without any problem. But CF4 is always wrong. I am not very familiar with the theory behind GWL code and I am wondering weather the input parameters is unreasonable or it is the code's bugs? The version of QE is 6.3 and the code is running under parallel condition.

The input paramers of pw.x and pw4gww.x are shown below:

    calculation = 'scf',
    tprnfor = .true.,
    pseudo_dir = '/home/chenxi/q-e-qe.6.3-rc2/pseudo',
    ibrav=  1,
    celldm(1) =10.0,
    ntyp= 2,
    ecutwfc =40.0,
    mixing_beta = 0.5,
    conv_thr =  1.0d-8
 F  1.0   F.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.0.1.UPF
 C  12.0  C.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.0.1.UPF
F        0.77638 0.77638 0.77638
F       -0.77638 -0.77638 0.77638
F        0.77638 -0.77638 -0.77638
F      -0.77638 0.77638 -0.77638
C        0.000000000   0.000000000   0.000000000


   The output file of pw4gww.x is showed below. At the end of terminal, there is the sentence "line 305 of file dft_exchange.f90 Fortran runtime error: 试图 DEALLOCATE 未分配的‘becpr’". Because of the language settings of my computer, there is several Chinese characters in it. The meaning of this sentence is about "attempt to DEALLOCATE unallocated 'becpr'". And I find that the code always stops at the point of calculating global s vectors.

     Program PW4GWW v.6.3 starts on  6Nov2018 at 23:46:29 

     This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
     for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
         "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
         "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 465901 (2017);
          URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org", 
     in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at

     Parallel version (MPI), running on     4 processors

     MPI processes distributed on     1 nodes
     R & G space division:  proc/nbgrp/npool/nimage =       4

     Reading data from directory:

     IMPORTANT: XC functional enforced from input :
     Exchange-correlation      = PBE ( 1  4  3  4 0 0)
     Any further DFT definition will be discarded
     Please, verify this is what you really want

               file F.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.0.1.UPF: wavefunction(s)  2S 2P renormalized
               file C.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.0.1.UPF: wavefunction(s)  2P renormalized

     Parallelization info
     sticks:   dense  smooth     PW     G-vecs:    dense   smooth      PW
     Min         318     318     79                 8565     8565    1083
     Max         322     322     84                 8568     8568    1086
     Sum        1281    1281    325                34265    34265    4337

     Check: negative/imaginary core charge=   -0.001242    0.000000

     negative rho (up, down):  2.354E-03 0.000E+00
 nkstot=           1
 after first init
 after g stuff
 after wfc waves
 after davcio

     bravais-lattice index     =            1
     lattice parameter (alat)  =      10.0000  a.u.
     unit-cell volume          =    1000.0000 (a.u.)^3
     number of atoms/cell      =            5
     number of atomic types    =            2
     number of electrons       =        32.00
     number of Kohn-Sham states=           24
     kinetic-energy cutoff     =      40.0000  Ry
     charge density cutoff     =     160.0000  Ry
     Exchange-correlation      = PBE ( 1  4  3  4 0 0)

     celldm(1)=  10.000000  celldm(2)=   0.000000  celldm(3)=   0.000000
     celldm(4)=   0.000000  celldm(5)=   0.000000  celldm(6)=   0.000000

     crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of alat)
               a(1) = (   1.000000   0.000000   0.000000 )  
               a(2) = (   0.000000   1.000000   0.000000 )  
               a(3) = (   0.000000   0.000000   1.000000 )  

     reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/alat)
               b(1) = (  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000 )  
               b(2) = (  0.000000  1.000000  0.000000 )  
               b(3) = (  0.000000  0.000000  1.000000 )  

     PseudoPot. # 1 for F  read from file:
     MD5 check sum: e64c2078bedb42d097cddd664faeb3ba
     Pseudo is Projector augmented-wave + core cor, Zval =  7.0
     Generated using "atomic" code by A. Dal Corso v.6.3
     Shape of augmentation charge: PSQ
     Using radial grid of 1105 points,  4 beta functions with: 
                l(1) =   0
                l(2) =   0
                l(3) =   1
                l(4) =   1
     Q(r) pseudized with 0 coefficients 

     PseudoPot. # 2 for C  read from file:
     MD5 check sum: 0cb641972fb3ec3bdffe56284d45d2bb
     Pseudo is Projector augmented-wave + core cor, Zval =  4.0
     Generated using "atomic" code by A. Dal Corso v.5.0.2 svn rev. 9415
     Shape of augmentation charge: BESSEL
     Using radial grid of 1073 points,  4 beta functions with: 
                l(1) =   0
                l(2) =   0
                l(3) =   1
                l(4) =   1
     Q(r) pseudized with 0 coefficients 

     atomic species   valence    mass     pseudopotential
        F              7.00     1.00000     F ( 1.00)
        C              4.00    12.00000     C ( 1.00)

     24 Sym. Ops. (no inversion) found

   Cartesian axes

     site n.     atom                  positions (alat units)
         1           F   tau(   1) = (   0.1467146   0.1467146   0.1467146  )
         2           F   tau(   2) = (  -0.1467146  -0.1467146   0.1467146  )
         3           F   tau(   3) = (   0.1467146  -0.1467146  -0.1467146  )
         4           F   tau(   4) = (  -0.1467146   0.1467146  -0.1467146  )
         5           C   tau(   5) = (   0.0000000   0.0000000   0.0000000  )

     number of k points=     1
                       cart. coord. in units 2pi/alat
        k(    1) = (   0.0000000   0.0000000   0.0000000), wk =   2.0000000

     Dense  grid:    17133 G-vectors     FFT dimensions: (  45,  45,  45)

     Check: negative/imaginary core charge=   -0.001242    0.000000

          k = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000     band energies (ev):

   -31.6524 -28.8129 -28.8129 -28.8128 -15.3437 -12.8537 -12.8537 -12.8536
    -9.3158  -9.3158  -8.6925  -8.6925  -8.6925  -7.5293  -7.5292  -7.5292
    -0.6765   4.1744   4.1746   4.1751   4.4104   4.4109   5.5380   6.0282

     highest occupied, lowest unoccupied level (ev):    -7.5292   -0.6765
 MAX_NGM:         543        4283
 KS energy:           1  -31.652572138362142     
 KS energy:           2  -28.812825764172231     
 KS energy:           3  -28.812917603410966     
 KS energy:           4  -28.812881862847281     
 KS energy:           5  -15.343821451407955     
 KS energy:           6  -12.853784884440783     
 KS energy:           7  -12.853753389904515     
 KS energy:           8  -12.853737234518656     
 KS energy:           9  -9.3156726859810721     
 KS energy:          10  -9.3156780231636542     
 KS energy:          11  -8.6924181711020552     
 KS energy:          12  -8.6923994166909662     
 KS energy:          13  -8.6924213051736405     
 KS energy:          14  -7.5291070172900021     
 KS energy:          15  -7.5291063452222025     
 KS energy:          16  -7.5291319972629855     
 KS energy:          17 -0.67651193965538980     
 KS energy:          18   4.1743478298332599     
 KS energy:          19   4.1745082455510474     
 KS energy:          20   4.1750527093728858     
 KS energy:          21   4.4103970098852550     
 KS energy:          22   4.4109212381639971     
 KS energy:          23   5.5379649890046672     
 KS energy:          24   6.0279686301210793     

     negative rho (up, down):  2.354E-03 0.000E+00
 Routine energies_xc :           1  -24.490408095370913     
 Routine energies_xc :           2  -26.733385239878967     
 Routine energies_xc :           3  -26.733275869935483     
 Routine energies_xc :           4  -26.733340729067795     
 Routine energies_xc :           5  -19.995078951232149     
 Routine energies_xc :           6  -16.490808540002512     
 Routine energies_xc :           7  -16.490815893031254     
 Routine energies_xc :           8  -16.490833496434199     
 Routine energies_xc :           9  -14.872893993191791     
 Routine energies_xc :          10  -14.872947015464321     
 Routine energies_xc :          11  -15.184964173967089     
 Routine energies_xc :          12  -15.184984520426486     
 Routine energies_xc :          13  -15.184955297222560     
 Routine energies_xc :          14  -15.456971745803267     
 Routine energies_xc :          15  -15.456954456720581     
 Routine energies_xc :          16  -15.456943956185880     
 Routine energies_xc :          17  -6.9782449887623574     
 Routine energies_xc :          18  -8.9721729972785198     
 Routine energies_xc :          19  -8.8913980421198175     
 Routine energies_xc :          20  -9.0910109485332651     
 Routine energies_xc :          21  -5.9063564432745430     
 Routine energies_xc :          22  -5.9060975688420809     
 Routine energies_xc :          23  -10.004179379351926     
 Routine energies_xc :          24  -14.854138283224593     
 Routine energies_h :           1   143.61941616321869     
 Routine energies_h :           2   146.35685517935121     
 Routine energies_h :           3   146.35631329618121     
 Routine energies_h :           4   146.35664800625975     
 Routine energies_h :           5   109.07817453635521     
 Routine energies_h :           6   92.886679493463163     
 Routine energies_h :           7   92.886668169386965     
 Routine energies_h :           8   92.886539913775309     
 Routine energies_h :           9   79.883833665981882     
 Routine energies_h :          10   79.883711684724034     
 Routine energies_h :          11   81.019602983799487     
 Routine energies_h :          12   81.019429535375409     
 Routine energies_h :          13   81.019422573145221     
 Routine energies_h :          14   80.813998542906646     
 Routine energies_h :          15   80.813921968016246     
 Routine energies_h :          16   80.813852848170541     
 Routine energies_h :          17  -7.4575123705310533     
 Routine energies_h :          18   21.980542793344874     
 Routine energies_h :          19   21.018961347486652     
 Routine energies_h :          20   23.398179381164059     
 Routine energies_h :          21  -10.681784709221272     
 Routine energies_h :          22  -10.698788182003089     
 Routine energies_h :          23   22.035695515617007     
 Routine energies_h :          24   81.078747805277857     
stop_clock: clock # 18 for        h_psi not running
 Transform to real wfcs
 NRS          45          45          45
 NRXS          45          45          45
 Calculate grid
 MATRIX IIW           1
 MATRIX JJW           1
 Calculate US
 Out of matrix_wannier_gamma_big
 Spread   259.38548358480278        149.43924823817619     
 Spread   300.30651597218394        259.38548358480278     
 Spread   302.81185879329286        300.30651597218394     
 Spread   302.88836806269717        302.81185879329286     
 Spread   302.88906625993877        302.88836806269717     
 Spread   302.88908127391426        302.88906625993877     
 Spread   302.88908513363077        302.88908127391426     
 Spread   302.88908867387909        302.88908513363077     
 Spread   302.88909206042882        302.88908867387909     
 Spread   302.88909529661601        302.88909206042882     
 Spread   302.88909838858962        302.88909529661601     
 Spread   302.88910134341171        302.88909838858962     
 Spread   302.88910416823836        302.88910134341171     
 Spread   302.88910687012481        302.88910416823836     
 Spread   302.88910945593915        302.88910687012481     
 Spread   302.88911193230257        302.88910945593915     
 Spread   302.88911430555066        302.88911193230257     
 Spread   302.88911658170781        302.88911430555066     
 Spread   302.88911876647080        302.88911658170781     
 Spread   302.88912086520457        302.88911876647080     
 Spread   302.88912288294307        302.88912086520457     
 Spread   302.88912482439633        302.88912288294307     
 Spread   302.88912669395933        302.88912482439633     
 Spread   302.88912849572654        302.88912669395933     
 Spread   302.88913023350568        302.88912849572654     
 Spread   302.88913191083299        302.88913023350568     
 Spread   302.88913353099059        302.88913191083299     
 Spread   302.88913509702047        302.88913353099059     
 Spread   302.88913661174178        302.88913509702047     
 Spread   302.88913807776521        302.88913661174178     
 Spread   302.88913949750793        302.88913807776521     
 Spread   302.88914087320660        302.88913949750793     
 Spread   302.88914220693113        302.88914087320660     
 Spread   302.88914350059582        302.88914220693113     
 Spread   302.88914475597090        302.88914350059582     
 Spread   302.88914597469432        302.88914475597090     
 Spread   302.88914715827906        302.88914597469432     
 Spread   302.88914830812422        302.88914715827906     
 Spread   302.88914942552287        302.88914830812422     
 Spread   302.88915051166981        302.88914942552287     
 Center Wannier:   8.2939017575197411        8.3245590755959959        8.3245590755959959     
 Center Wannier:   8.3245997152002875        1.6891798634045774        1.6891798634045774     
 Center Wannier:   1.7028794123936952        1.6931837293187200        1.6931837293187200     
 Center Wannier:   1.6840113058957238        8.2918211190473379        8.2918211190473379     
 Center Wannier:   8.5880672830676961        1.3984875957407359        1.3984875957407359     
 Center Wannier:  0.91400667223227661        9.1110985253836745        9.1110985253836745     
 Center Wannier:   9.0763471581024255       0.90857419908873327       0.90857419908873327     
 Center Wannier:   8.6021410226379480        1.4085179506251535        1.4085179506251535     
 Center Wannier:   1.3987980750423246        8.5998712750186463        8.5998712750186463     
 Center Wannier:  0.89395464314568895       0.90423991503425949       0.90423991503425949     
 Center Wannier:   1.3992375386817741        1.3985546598284482        1.3985546598284482     
 Center Wannier:   9.1093834498269732        9.0764694414469709        9.0764694414469709     
 Center Wannier:   1.4095592205682281        8.5984728180835575        8.5984728180835575     
 Center Wannier:   8.5971719531005384        8.6017128600840991        8.6017128600840991     
 Center Wannier:   1.4047192772831334        1.4077470623879373        1.4077470623879373     
 Center Wannier:   8.5997911579694186        8.5880715822572107        8.5880715822572107     
 Call initialize_fft_custom
          24          24          24
          24          24          24

     Planes per process (custom) : nr3t =  24 nr3p =    6 ncplane =   576

     Proc/  planes cols     G    

        1     6     82     1086
        2     6     80     1084
        3     6     79     1083
        4     6     84     1084
     tot     24    325     4337

 Number of projected orthonormalized plane waves:          81
 FK state:           1        3456         543          81
 FK GS          47
 FK state:           2        3456         543          81
 FK GS          44
 FK state:           3        3456         543          81
 FK GS          43
 FK state:           4        3456         543          81
 FK GS          41
 FK state:           5        3456         543          81
 FK GS          42
 FK state:           6        3456         543          81
 FK GS          26
 FK state:           7        3456         543          81
 FK GS          12
 FK state:           8        3456         543          81
 FK GS          10
 FK state:           9        3456         543          81
 FK GS          19
 FK state:          10        3456         543          81
 FK GS          17
 FK state:          11        3456         543          81
 FK GS          12
 FK state:          12        3456         543          81
 FK GS          13
 FK state:          13        3456         543          81
 FK GS           6
 FK state:          14        3456         543          81
 FK GS          11
 FK state:          15        3456         543          81
 FK GS           5
 FK state:          16        3456         543          81
 FK GS           6
 Calculate FK matrix
     f_conduction :      0.45s CPU      0.50s WALL (       1 calls)
 NUMW_PROD_ALL          50
 ATT1         354
 ATT2         354
 ATT3         354
 ATT4         354
 ATT5         354
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           1   4.0705335453180300     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           2   4.0720575580838378     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           3   4.0745143070434224     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           4   4.3874854265481300     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           5   4.4779489548309623     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           6   4.4796759574227156     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           7   4.4807982679424310     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           8   4.5352345232966318     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:           9   4.5391335955448255     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          10   5.3942219371437794     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          11   8.0314317011077616     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          12   8.0367211844923521     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          13   8.0383714330751364     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          14   8.8578695972811570     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          15   8.8670104134757803     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          16   8.8751024950172361     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          17   8.8852475144812182     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          18   8.8877951957039674     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          19   8.9753507984510978     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          20   8.9785517935859396     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          21   8.9805531409094836     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          22   9.0837839253612600     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          23   9.3754317432299406     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          24   9.3815929125618904     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          25   9.3847810530453852     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          26   9.5795272411856676     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          27   9.5813354023178920     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          28   9.5830018855999626     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          29   9.6240945866114718     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          30   9.6306276359966301     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          31   10.669116399197213     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          32   10.674051957163782     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          33   10.675609837710830     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          34   10.762574986463967     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          35   41.092243558419725     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          36   41.292738430395573     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          37   41.298067920984749     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          38   41.405851241156455     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          39   41.411278162375311     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          40   41.414360122990004     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          41   41.452437409950136     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          42   41.454051278149663     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          43   41.459145660979502     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          44   41.796853938017492     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          45   41.798310581641928     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          46   41.799023442726025     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          47   102.83082210530421     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          48   105.00676528172588     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          49   105.00929171800129     
 POLARIZABILITY eigen:          50   105.01058398809971     
 NGM MAX:         543        4283
 Routine wannier_uterms : start
 NGM MAX:         543        4283
 uterms iiw           1
 uterms jjw           1
 Routine pola_basis_lanczos
          24          24          24
          24          24          24

     Planes per process (custom) : nr3t =  24 nr3p =    6 ncplane =   576

     Proc/  planes cols     G    

        1     6     82     1086
        2     6     80     1084
        3     6     79     1083
        4     6     84     1084
     tot     24    325     4337

 EIGEN T LOCAL:           1           1   4.4057188406783857E-003
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           1          50   210.53417173073578     
 pola_basis update merge-split           1           1
 pola_basis update merge-split           2           1
 pola_basis update merge-split           3           1
 pola_basis update merge-split           4           1
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           5           1   1.3250559137979179E-002
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           5          50   80.134145081657806     
 pola_basis update merge-split           5           5
 pola_basis update merge-split           6           5
 pola_basis update merge-split           7           5
 pola_basis update merge-split           8           5
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           9           1   1.6512976127965866E-002
 EIGEN T LOCAL:           9          50   80.201541094579326     
 pola_basis update merge-split           9           9
 pola_basis update merge-split          10           9
 pola_basis update merge-split          11           9
 pola_basis update merge-split          12           9
 EIGEN T LOCAL:          13           1   1.9665421450310874E-002
 EIGEN T LOCAL:          13          50   80.176627035447538     
 pola_basis update merge-split          13          13
 pola_basis update merge-split          14          13
 pola_basis update merge-split          15          13
 pola_basis update merge-split          16          13
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   1.8064452167916017E-006
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   44402.823294642207     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          29
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   1.1730293517583074E-006
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   44330.780498153428     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          43
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   1.0129853600557298E-006
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   44145.905035630523     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          57
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   1.0313321240515752E-005
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   1610.8617367342613     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          70
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   1.1141030051722675E-004
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   5953.6630526909294     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          86
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   4.1009685784284896E-005
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   5528.5095198859790     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         100
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   2.0267652762351351E-005
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   1313.4797769521006     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         108
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   3.3549538907893266E-006
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   1595.7334732052443     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         118
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   1.6470884329806598E-005
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   5785.7769560893039     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         133
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   7.3525879781943118E-006
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   1586.6133843208220     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         143
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   1.5617497295259042E-005
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   5585.4310265969589     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         158
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   5.0117355633342216E-006
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   1313.2621387683455     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         166
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   6.2952008081072698E-006
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   1641.1703462690168     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         176
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   4.4595098745235801E-006
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   1282.0403879160144     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         184
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   2.1274153934578065E-006
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   1273.8635402862756     
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         192
 lanczos_state:           1           1
 Routine self_basis_lanczos
          24          24          24
          24          24          24

     Planes per process (custom) : nr3t =  24 nr3p =    6 ncplane =   576

     Proc/  planes cols     G    

        1     6     82     1086
        2     6     80     1084
        3     6     79     1083
        4     6     84     1084
     tot     24    325     4337

 EIGEN S LOCAL:           1           1   2.2961993448882961E-005
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           1          50   4.3481826147274121E-003
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           5           1   1.1868495754072480E-005
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           5          50   5.3993988696503835E-003
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           9           1   9.9867720632163193E-006
 EIGEN S LOCAL:           9          50   2.4010669519035472E-003
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          13           1   8.6706280450641700E-006
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          13          50   1.7389982604648405E-003
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          17           1   6.9656568246629864E-006
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          17          50   8.1909519204515608E-004
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          21           1   2.4608007999425578E-006
 EIGEN S LOCAL:          21          50   8.1096021808095748E-004
     self_basis   :      0.13s CPU      0.15s WALL (       1 calls)
     sl_loop      :      0.13s CPU      0.15s WALL (       6 calls)
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   8.1204671537771296E-013
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   1.3423740490438639E-006
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:          99
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   7.6370860234848156E-013
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   2.3836932710318246E-007
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         147
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   1.1340628297985306E-012
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   5.4870007546399772E-008
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         197
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   1.8451381252041672E-011
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   4.6431545965593227E-007
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         247
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   1.4119979779676767E-012
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   6.0239856702147309E-008
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         297
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   3.7559613388648493E-012
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   3.5213174396838200E-008
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         347
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   9.8100622179747405E-013
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   2.4799582959013690E-008
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         396
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   1.7409865033439980E-012
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   3.1123315449821477E-008
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         446
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   1.3453742586998830E-012
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   1.4962802452175777E-008
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         496
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   9.5510920044178785E-013
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   2.1870593979639143E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         545
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   7.9298571652434252E-013
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   1.8479629762449829E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         594
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   5.1610601980980480E-013
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   1.5531487877574244E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         639
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   5.0753041446673340E-014
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   2.6173092416085249E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         676
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   1.7798890953001569E-013
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   2.4116469076135597E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         713
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   5.7036767619298419E-014
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   2.1563686658121592E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         748
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   6.4235711031828703E-012
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   1.0825511789044062E-007
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         798
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   2.1667982815560399E-012
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   3.6591112708117826E-008
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         848
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   2.3893540247135100E-012
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   2.8186343303853530E-008
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         898
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   2.1726451492887483E-012
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   2.3729521009653927E-008
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         948
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   8.5640443579047779E-013
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   6.7183817974942278E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:         997
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   8.1926141075384424E-013
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   5.0407292838906998E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:        1046
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   2.9334502818474649E-012
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   4.2317258674633953E-008
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:        1096
 EIGEN GLOBAL:           1   9.5763990552981053E-013
 EIGEN GLOBAL:          50   8.2245716740381986E-009
 orthonormalize_two_manifolds: basis dimension:        1145
 lanczos_state:           1           1
 Exchange energy           1           1  -2.7973496003431197     
 Exchange energy           2           1  -2.9358742436831311     
 Exchange energy           3           1  -2.9358628358087673     
 Exchange energy           4           1  -2.9358700996899878     
 Exchange energy           5           1  -1.9408921805493493     
 Exchange energy           6           1  -1.4818775168952341     
 Exchange energy           7           1  -1.4818802258227430     
 Exchange energy           8           1  -1.4818748598550631     
 Exchange energy           9           1  -1.2767798486052289     
 Exchange energy          10           1  -1.2767767029954089     
 Exchange energy          11           1  -1.2625644248414405     
 Exchange energy          12           1  -1.2625583228239756     
 Exchange energy          13           1  -1.2625598687466539     
 Exchange energy          14           1  -1.2629580544020427     
 Exchange energy          15           1  -1.2629598133350008     
 Exchange energy          16           1  -1.2629603802084512     
 Exchange energy          17           1 -0.12180540907928608     
 Exchange energy          18           1 -0.21748148749324828     
 Exchange energy          19           1 -0.21337723836423481     
 Exchange energy          20           1 -0.22352948857055466     
 Exchange energy          21           1  -5.6997654921742524E-002
 Exchange energy          22           1  -5.6985608572654778E-002
 Exchange energy          23           1 -0.26468464548276516     
 Exchange energy          24           1 -0.52101656194854951     

At line 305 of file dft_exchange.f90
Fortran runtime error: 试图 DEALLOCATE 未分配的‘becpr’
At line 305 of file dft_exchange.f90
Fortran runtime error: 试图 DEALLOCATE 未分配的‘becpr’
At line 305 of file dft_exchange.f90
Fortran runtime error: 试图 DEALLOCATE 未分配的‘becpr’
At line 305 of file dft_exchange.f90
Fortran runtime error: 试图 DEALLOCATE 未分配的‘becpr’
Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code.. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

  Process name: [[30178,1],3]
  Exit code:    2


Chen Xi

Master Degree Candidate
State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation & Power Equipment, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Mailbox 1826, No.28, Xianning Xi Lu, Xi'an.  Postcode:710049
Tel: +86 15506339296
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