[QE-users] Problem during compiling QE

Shoaib Muhammad mshoaibce at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 12:51:36 CEST 2018



I am trying to compile Quantum Espresso 6.3 and ./configure works file but “make all” command fails with the following error: 

make all

test -d bin || mkdir bin

( cd clib ; make TLDEPS= all || exit 1 )

make[1]: Entering directory '/home/ QE6/qe-6.3/clib'

gcc -O3 -D__FFTW3 -D__MPI -D__LIBXC -I/home/QE6/qe-6.3//opt/libxc/include -I/home/ QE6/qe-6.3//FoX/finclude -I/home /QE6/qe-6.3//S3DE/iotk/include/ -I/opt/intel/mkl/include  -c memstat.c

memstat.c:16:10: fatal error: c_defs.h: No such file or directory

#include "c_defs.h"


compilation terminated.

../make.inc:24: recipe for target 'memstat.o' failed

make[1]: *** [memstat.o] Error 1

make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/QE6/qe-6.3/clib'

Makefile:181: recipe for target 'libs' failed

make: *** [libs] Error 1


Can any body suggest why I am getting this error? 




Shoaib Muhammad

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Department of Energy Science

Sungkyunkwan University






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