[Pw_forum] Crash with Environ-0.2

Oliviero Andreussi oliviero.andreussi at usi.ch
Tue Jan 23 22:21:50 CET 2018

Dear Dr. Huu Chuong Nguyen,

I see from your input that you are trying to run a spin-polarised, DFT+U plus empirical dispersion plus smearing calculation coupled with the Environ plugin. Although I would assume that these different features are all compatible with Environ, I have never tried such a combination and it may be that there are some bugs in the combination that lead to the segmentation fault. Have you tried running a simplified calculation to isolate the source of error (say removing the Hubbard U, the dispersion, doing a spin-unpolarized calculation)? Moreover, you may want to simplify the Environ input as well, trying to only test one embedding effect at a time: for example you can activate only the dielectric screening by setting environ_type = 'input' and env_static_permittivity = 78.3 (assuming water is what you are looking for). Or you can try to only activate the surface tension contribution by setting env_surface_tension to an arbitrary value. This would also help in understanding where the source of the segmentation fault is. Unfortunately this seems like an expensive example to debug from scratch, if you can provide more details or a simpler case where the problem occur, I would be happy to have a look and see if we can fix the problem. Moreover, if you can send me the output of your tests I could try to see if there is any indication of a problem already from those files.

Thanks for reporting the issue!

Best regards,

Oliviero Andreussi
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
University of North Texas
E-mail: oliviero.andreussi at unt.edu
Skype: olivieroandreussi
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From: pw_forum-bounces at pwscf.org <pw_forum-bounces at pwscf.org> on behalf of Huu Chuong Nguyën <hnguyen at ICIQ.ES>
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2018 11:37:26 AM
To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
Subject: [Pw_forum] Crash with Environ-0.2


I am running a relax calculation with QE 6.1 and Environ-0.2. In vacuum, the calculation finish without problem but when I change the medium to water. The calculation always suddenly stop after "     add environment contribution to local potential" with an ominous segmentation fault. This bug is reproducible on all machines that we have but I cannot figure out from where it could come from. Does anyone has had a similar issue or has an idea on how to solve it?

My inputs:


                 calculation = 'relax' ,
                restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
                  wf_collect = .true. ,
                      prefix = 'c1nO1' ,
                   verbosity = 'high' ,
               etot_conv_thr = 1.0D-8 ,
               forc_conv_thr = 1.0D-4 ,
                     tstress = .true. ,
                     tprnfor = .true. ,
                    dipfield = .true. ,
                       nstep = 400 ,
                 max_seconds = 171000 , !47h30
                      ibrav = 4,
                          A = 10.230375737 ,
                          B = 10.230375737 ,
                          C = 28.9421830966 ,
                      cosAB = -0.5 ,
                      cosAC = 0 ,
                      cosBC = 0 ,
                        nat = 122 ,
                       ntyp = 4,
                    ecutwfc = 40.0 , !J. Chem. Phys. 138, 194709
                    ecutrho = 320.0 ,!J. Chem. Phys. 138, 194709
                  input_dft = 'PBE' ,
                occupations = 'smearing' ,
                    degauss = 0.02 ,
                   smearing = 'gaussian' ,
                      nspin = 2 ,
    starting_magnetization(1) = 1.0,
    starting_magnetization(2) = -1.0,
    starting_magnetization(3) = 0.0,
                  lda_plus_u = .true. ,
             lda_plus_u_kind = 0 , !type 1 not implemented, ignores J
                Hubbard_U(1) = 4.2,
                Hubbard_U(2) = 4.2,
               Hubbard_J0(1) = 0.0, !Is ignored!
               Hubbard_J0(2) = 0.0, !Is ignored!
                    vdw_corr = Grimme-D2, ! DFT-D2 dispersion correction
           electron_maxstep = 900,
              conv_thr_init = 1e-4 ,
                   conv_thr = 1e-9 ,
                startingpot = 'atomic' ,
                startingwfc = 'random' ,
               adaptive_thr = .true. ,
                mixing_beta = 0.514,
            diagonalization = 'david' ,
               ion_dynamics = 'bfgs' ,
           trust_radius_min =  1.D-5 ,
 Fe1   55.84500  Fe.pbe-sp-van_ak.UPF
 Fe2   55.84500  Fe.pbe-sp-van_ak.UPF
   O   15.99990  O.pbe-van_ak.UPF
  Zn   65.39000  Zn_pbe_v1.uspp.F.UPF
Zn  -0.0097298770   2.9563834880   3.0182116970
Zn   5.1249630590   5.9033469620  14.9239945730
Zn  -2.5673345130   7.3862810510   3.0182106910
Zn   7.6825620740   1.4734584610  14.9239945540
Fe1   5.1053013770   2.9595540620   2.9148486100
Fe1   2.5477093370   7.3894410440   2.9148493100
Fe2   2.5555487200   1.4784729480   8.6328442770
Fe2  -0.0020447680   5.9083579240   8.6328455510
Fe2   7.6742460480   1.4747037680   8.6386973260
Fe2   5.1166499380   5.9045905230   8.6386971800
Fe1   2.5674925870   1.4703262560  15.0273595790
Fe1   0.0098990960   5.9002114620  15.0273602790
Fe2  -0.0014802610   2.9551937710   9.3035025680
Fe2  -2.5590762610   7.3850795960   9.3035029170
Fe2   5.1172241320   2.9514287310   9.3093378120
Fe2   2.5596299030   7.3813138660   9.3093373220
Fe1   0.0071780640  -0.0081645250   6.9924511410
Fe1  -2.5504156510   4.4217197940   6.9924587430
Fe1   5.1091120980   0.0095368600   6.9984449860
Fe1   2.5515166150   4.4394221440   6.9984460930
Fe2   0.0066064420   2.9395638740  13.4514587650
Fe2  -2.5509901970   7.3694544670  13.4514578580
Fe2   5.1228937830   2.9685272210  13.4499520490
Fe2   2.5653017030   7.3984134280  13.4499534780
Fe1   0.0071059300   2.9481284620   6.3559666860
Fe1  -2.5504915050   7.3780190750   6.3559673810
Fe1   5.1057836840   2.9609859820   6.3665609480
Fe1   2.5481926450   7.3908729030   6.3665605540
Fe2   0.0042821000  -0.0105742680  13.8102225240
Fe2  -2.5533112150   4.4193112530  13.8102220900
Fe2   5.1255258970   0.0035537070  13.7981673080
Fe2   2.5679283770   4.4334394800  13.7981659840
Fe1   2.5669858700   1.4689051280  11.5756396750
Fe1   0.0093933150   5.8987909180  11.5756398940
Fe1   7.6656797000   1.4817571350  11.5862373860
Fe1   5.1080833360   5.9116454910  11.5862375160
Fe2  -0.0042614820   0.0105670880   4.1320189190
Fe2  -2.5618586840   4.4404518860   4.1320208830
Fe2   5.1048506000  -0.0035747330   4.1440081100
Fe2   2.5472582910   4.4263070990   4.1440083420
Fe1  -0.0071868200   0.0081725700  10.9497714470
Fe1  -2.5647824910   4.4380570870  10.9497682980
Fe1   5.1212500650  -0.0095184850  10.9437362090
Fe1   2.5636552240   4.4203658880  10.9437352290
Fe2   2.5499011480   1.4613400250   4.4922360730
Fe2  -0.0076898090   5.8912281540   4.4922383830
Fe2   7.6661845650   1.4903042710   4.4907724000
Fe2   5.1085860530   5.9201980080   4.4907689920
O   1.5876418620   0.0061446290   5.5311746490
O  -0.9699511870   4.4360280150   5.5311770370
O   6.6878388300   0.0275069840   5.4972293360
O   4.1302431560   4.4573925660   5.4972277060
O  -0.8016266570   1.3480339810   5.4927865090
O  -3.3592246400   5.7779222790   5.4927871470
O   4.3070194810   1.3712917610   5.5234470860
O   1.7494276300   5.8011778800   5.5234473970
O   1.7866691600   3.0472196360   5.5138718580
O  -0.7709266780   7.4771078630   5.5138730830
O   6.8873023040   3.0640978090   5.5036041720
O   4.3297073080   7.4939855400   5.5036028960
O   3.5425295780  -0.0275138930  12.4449599780
O   0.9849346730   4.4023692630  12.4449598520
O   8.6427386860  -0.0061247470  12.4110699890
O   6.0851421260   4.4237615070  12.4110701570
O  -1.7559514520   3.0818416160  12.4494141880
O  -4.3135469120   7.5117280380  12.4494138240
O   3.3657478530   3.0585955260  12.4187662170
O   0.8081544520   7.4884809740  12.4187667800
O   0.7854904350   1.3657858200  12.4386307900
O  -1.7721043000   5.7956720070  12.4386314070
O   5.8860951440   1.3826649650  12.4282866260
O   3.3284994720   5.8125502800  12.4282864440
O   4.1166614340   1.4645996620  10.1145453140
O   1.5590674520   5.8944851520  10.1145451050
O   9.2269974080   1.4803687950  10.1217680730
O   6.6694017510   5.9102550170  10.1217676140
O   1.7818482420   2.8207026990  10.1174819610
O  -0.7757469790   7.2505879530  10.1174825190
O   6.9010841860   2.8305873780  10.1181246180
O   4.3434894840   7.2604730540  10.1181249160
O   1.7741966510   0.1288704280  10.1210857390
O  -0.7833973170   4.5587539860  10.1210854260
O   6.8899562970   0.1330665840  10.1120475200
O   4.3323605940   4.5629516570  10.1120471380
O   0.9701331880   1.3601825970   3.2282024340
O  -1.5874686030   5.7900769690   3.2282067890
O   6.0424281310   1.4307853840   3.2268102980
O   3.4848329690   5.8606717640   3.2268088460
O   3.4497130460   0.1594407470   3.2299878150
O   0.8921189880   4.5893199730   3.2299897900
O   8.4991414710   0.1178429460   3.2194029720
O   5.9415422800   4.5477245100   3.2194026110
O   3.3132459900   2.9096380620   3.2197995640
O   0.7556552770   7.3395256070   3.2198009610
O   8.3518434290   2.9122553130   3.2310509720
O   5.7942432590   7.3421413850   3.2310463280
O   1.6303686080   2.9990986700  14.7154264290
O  -0.9272253740   7.4289841310  14.7154271030
O   6.7026748000   3.0696443590  14.7139669070
O   4.1450783670   7.4995301020  14.7139661290
O  -0.8263228630   4.3120244250  14.7228303440
O  -3.3839199740   8.7419091050  14.7228297620
O   4.2230749100   4.2704404770  14.7121629510
O   1.6654822570   8.7003239570  14.7121628730
O  -0.6790130500   1.5176273280  14.7112304960
O  -3.2366092980   5.9475136980  14.7112310180
O   4.3595390350   1.5202210420  14.7223422960
O   1.8019453980   5.9501066020  14.7223415410
O  -1.5542259670   2.9495219770   7.8204389860
O  -4.1118223300   7.3794095700   7.8204372890
O   3.5560997970   2.9653009210   7.8276209960
O   0.9985058630   7.3951864550   7.8276207880
O   0.7716877980   1.5993129060   7.8240644920
O  -1.7859066240   6.0291996150   7.8240663310
O   5.8909212760   1.6091960660   7.8246984280
O   3.3333264010   6.0390821070   7.8246977240
O   0.7828089050   4.2968328780   7.8301175690
O  -1.7747868400   8.7267182450   7.8301170030
O   5.8985724020   4.3010382430   7.8211076630
O   3.3409793080   8.7309223000   7.8211058410
O   2.5674925870   1.4703262560  17.0273595790
O   2.5477093370   7.3894410440   0.9148493100
K_POINTS gamma


   verbose = 0
   environ_thr = 1.d-1
   environ_type = 'water'
   tolrhopol = 1.d-11
   mixrhopol = 0.6
   !mixtype = 'pcg'

Best regards,

Dr. Huu Chuong Nguyën (Bob)

Postdoc Researcher – Group of Prof. Núria López

Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ)
The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology

Av. Països Catalans 16 – 43007 Tarragona (Spain)

PB-11 Huu Chuong Nguyën – PERSONAL

hnguyen at iciq.es<mailto:user at iciq.es> - www.iciq.es<http://www.iciq.es/>

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