[Pw_forum] CuBTC open metal organic frameworks CONVERGENCE

Nicola Marzari nicola.marzari at epfl.ch
Mon Jan 23 12:53:41 CET 2017

On 23/01/2017 12:37, Francesco Pelizza wrote:
> Hello dear community,
> Here in strathclyde some colleagues are using QE to relax and than study
> some MOF's.
> The problem starts from the beginning, no convergence in the first SCF
> cycle before a fixed cell relaxation.

One more, if unrelated - the conv_thr you use is extremely tight
(this is not related to your original problem, but it only means that
once you have found a robus recipe for convergence, it might be tough
to get to such a tight tolerance). This is because, as mentioned in

Convergence threshold for selfconsistency:
    estimated energy error < conv_thr
(note that conv_thr is extensive, like the total energy).

it means that if say 1e-6 is a good conv_thr value for a system with a 
few atoms,
if a system is 10 times larger conv_thr should typically be 10 times larger
as well (i.e. 1e-5)


> We took care of spin polarized calculation, switched to non polarized
> calculation and many other things, WFC from 50 to 80 Ry and RHO cutoffs
> 10 times the WFC, with gamma sampling and 3 x 3 x 3.
> Also checked the smearing, degauss values, nothing seemed to make the
> convergence better.
> Here you can find some input files and output files.
> We used ultrasoft pseudopotentials applying PBE and then vdW-DF
> functionals.
> No success at all.
> Please some of you have better experience of us in these systems to tell
> us what we do wrong?
> BW
> Francesco Pelizza and Chris Campbell
> Strathclyde University
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Prof Nicola Marzari, Chair of Theory and Simulation of Materials, EPFL
Director, National Centre for Competence in Research NCCR MARVEL, EPFL
http://theossrv1.epfl.ch/Main/Contact http://nccr-marvel.ch/en/project

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