[Pw_forum] Problem: different output with identical input

Ilya Ryabinkin igryabinkin at gmail.com
Wed Dec 28 13:53:43 CET 2016

Iterative solution of KS equations (with a given threshold) limits the
number of significant figures in both energy and properties values.
The total energy is less sensitive than property values are. What
happens is the following: you *gradients* have limited accuracy --
beyond threshold the digits are largely random. These errors propagate
and accumulate throughout geometry optimization.


On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 7:45 AM, Pablo García Risueño
<garcia.risueno at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Espresso community
> I have one problem that is important for me; it is somewhat surprising. I
> run geometry optimization (relax) calculations with pw.x with identical
> input files, and I obtain rather different final coordinates. The problem
> does not happen if ecutwfc is 30, but it does appear for cutoffs of 60, 80
> or 90. Below one can see the exact input file, and examples of the
> difference between the final coordinates for both runs (both run with
> identical input) for given cutoffs.
> Could anybody give me a clue on the origin of the problem, and how to solve
> it?
> Thank you very much. Best regards.
> Input file:
>     calculation = 'relax',
>     restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
>     prefix='',
>     outdir = './',
>     pseudo_dir = '/path_xxx/PP/',
>     forc_conv_thr = 1.0D-6 ,
>     etot_conv_thr = 1.0D-8 ,
>  /
> &system
>     ibrav = 0, a=18.0,
>     nat= 26, ntyp= 2,
>     ecutwfc = 30d0,
>     nbnd = 100,
> /
> &electrons
>     conv_thr = 1.0e-9,
>     mixing_beta = 0.7,
>     mixing_mode = 'plain',
>     diagonalization = 'cg'
> /
> /
> C   12.0107   C.pz-vbc.UPF
> H   1.007825035  H.pz-vbc.UPF
> ATOMIC_POSITIONS { angstrom }
> C  8.891700e+00     8.891700e+00     8.891700e+00
> C  9.783400e+00     9.783400e+00     8.000000e+00
> C  9.783400e+00     8.000000e+00     9.783400e+00
> C  8.000000e+00     9.783400e+00     9.783400e+00
> C  8.891700e+00     1.067510e+01     1.067510e+01
> C  1.067510e+01     1.067510e+01     8.891700e+00
> C  1.067510e+01     8.891700e+00     1.067510e+01
> C  9.783400e+00     1.156680e+01     9.783400e+00
> C  9.783400e+00     9.783400e+00     1.156680e+01
> C  1.156680e+01     9.783400e+00     9.783400e+00
> H  8.391700e+00     8.391700e+00     8.391700e+00
> H  7.500000e+00     1.028340e+01     9.283400e+00
> H  7.500000e+00     9.283400e+00     1.028340e+01
> H  9.283400e+00     1.028340e+01     7.500000e+00
> H  1.028340e+01     9.283400e+00     7.500000e+00
> H  9.283400e+00     7.500000e+00     1.028340e+01
> H  1.028340e+01     7.500000e+00     9.283400e+00
> H  9.283400e+00     1.206680e+01     9.283400e+00
> H  1.206680e+01     9.283400e+00     9.283400e+00
> H  9.283400e+00     9.283400e+00     1.206680e+01
> H  8.391700e+00     1.117510e+01     1.117510e+01
> H  1.117510e+01     1.117510e+01     8.391700e+00
> H  1.117510e+01     8.391700e+00     1.117510e+01
> H  1.028340e+01     1.206680e+01     1.028340e+01
> H  1.028340e+01     1.028340e+01     1.206680e+01
> H  1.206680e+01     1.028340e+01     1.028340e+01
>  1.00  0.00  0.00
>  0.00  1.00  0.00
>  0.00  0.00  1.00
> K_POINTS {gamma} {automatic}
> 1 1 1  0 0 0
> The program is run with
> mpirun -np 32 /path_xxx/pw.x
> Final coordinates: The first two rows for ecutwfc=30 for two runs with
> identical input are:
> C  8.898432121  8.898432121  8.898432121
> C  9.783306562  9.783306562  8.019670107
> C  8.898432121  8.898432121  8.898432121
> C  9.783306562  9.783306562  8.019670109
> Final coordinates: The first two rows for ecutwfc=60 for two runs with
> identical input are:
> C  8.904988579  8.904988579  8.904988579
> C  9.783426086  9.783426086  8.031809869
> C  8.904962246  8.904962246  8.904962246
> C  9.783425401  9.783425401  8.031847251
> --
> --
> Dr. Pablo García Risueño
> Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität Hamburg, Grindelallee 117,
> 20146 Hamburg
> Tel. +49 040 42 83 84 82 7
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                    Ilya Ryabinkin
                 Postdoctoral Scholar
          Physical and Environmental Sciences
           University of Toronto Scarborough

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