[Pw_forum] error: tcp_peer_recv_connect_ack

Ludwig, Stephan stephan.ludwig at pi1.physik.uni-stuttgart.de
Fri Aug 7 13:43:35 CEST 2015

Whoever you are,

you have a problem quite different from mine. Maybe you can open your own discussion with a more suitable name for your subject.

When you answer with your question on my question it might happen that no one will care about my question because they might think that it is already answered.

So please send your question directly to pw-forum.

Thanks and regards


-----Original message-----
From: Mahya Zare <mahyazare68 at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday 7th August 2015 12:10
To: PWSCF Forum <pw_forum at pwscf.org>
Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] error: tcp_peer_recv_connect_ack

Dear Users 
Kindly help me how to make Ceo2 nano sheet. I used the lattice parameters a=5.411A, C=15.0A, space group fm3m (225) 
and atomic positions Ce 0 0 0, and O 1/4 1/4 1/4,O 3/4 3/4 3/4 which are not looks ok. Please help me for makes pwscf

Whether the position of atoms in the bulk of nano-sheet position of atoms in space is different or just by changing the working point in the Brillouin space to aim Rsyd.fayly I send you a sample of cerium oxide file is relaxing the nano-sheets is it limited to questions can get a full mesh? by choosing one of vector network as much as 15 angstroms

On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 1:34 PM, Ludwig, Stephan <stephan.ludwig at pi1.physik.uni-stuttgart.de <mailto:stephan.ludwig at pi1.physik.uni-stuttgart.de> > wrote:


I'm using Quantum-Espresso on a cluster. With normconserving pseudopotentials. I don't have any problems.

With ultrasoft pseudos I also receive a result for ecutwfc=60 ecutrho=240 (I did it just for test purpuses).

When I enlarge these parameters to more sensible values (ecutwfc=80, ecutrho=800) I receive the error message

[uc1n516:53049] [[53309,1],0] tcp_peer_recv_connect_ack: received different version from [[0,62],469762048]: auth/none instead of 1.8.7
I have no idea what that means. Can anybody please help me?

The calculation is interrupted whithin the first scf-step.

Here is my input:

 title = 'etot_vs_ecutwfc' ,
 calculation = 'scf' ,
 wf_collect = .FALSE.,
 restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
 max_seconds = 3.D+5,
 outdir = './' ,
 wfcdir = './' ,
 pseudo_dir = '/home/st/st_st/st_phy72394/pseudo/' ,
 prefix = 'MeDH-TTPetot_vs_ecutwfc' ,
 ibrav = -12,
 A = 32.783 ,
 B = 7.995 ,
 C = 11.170 ,
 cosAB = 0 ,
 cosAC = -0.132602381688 ,
 cosBC = 0 ,
 nat = 236,
 ntyp = 5,
 ecutwfc = 80,
 ecutrho = 800,
 occupations = 'smearing' ,
 degauss = 0.02 ,
 smearing = 'gaussian' ,
 exxdiv_treatment = 'gygi-baldereschi' ,
 conv_thr = 1.0D-8
 H 1.00790 H.pz-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF 
 C 12.01100 C.pz-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF 
 F 18.98800 F.pz-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF 
 S 32.06500 S.pz-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1.UPF 
 As 74.92200 As.pz-n-rrkjus_psl.0.2.UPF 
 S 5.52835 0.29521 2.16999
 S 21.91985 4.29246 2.16999
 S 4.78777 7.69929 7.70567
 S 21.17927 3.70204 7.70567
 S 8.91117 6.37745 3.91040
 S 25.30267 2.38020 3.91040
 S 8.17058 1.61705 9.44608
 S 24.56208 5.61430 9.44608
 S 8.53628 0.30838 1.68728
 S 24.92778 4.30563 1.68728
 S 7.79569 7.68612 7.22296
 S 24.18719 3.68887 7.22296
 S 5.91488 6.35256 4.41083
 S 22.30638 2.35531 4.41083
 S 5.17429 1.64194 9.94651
 S 21.56579 5.63919 9.94651
As 31.25307 7.42312 4.40640
As 14.86156 3.42587 4.40640
As 30.51248 0.57138 9.94208
As 14.12098 4.56863 9.94208
 S 22.77175 0.24544 7.42335
 S 6.38025 4.24269 7.42335
 S 23.51233 7.74906 1.88767
 S 7.12083 3.75181 1.88767
 S 22.41272 6.31548 5.17143
 S 6.02122 2.31823 5.17143
 S 21.67213 1.67902 10.70711
 S 5.28063 5.67627 10.70711
 S 19.75130 0.27959 7.86510
 S 3.35980 4.27684 7.86510
 S 20.49188 7.71491 2.32941
 S 4.10038 3.71766 2.32941
 S 19.39879 6.33792 5.62425
 S 3.00729 2.34067 5.62425
 S 20.13937 1.65658 0.08857
 S 3.74787 5.65383 0.08857
 S 25.96310 0.08881 6.99046
 S 9.57160 4.08606 6.99046
 S 26.70368 7.90569 1.45478
 S 10.31218 3.90844 1.45478
 S 25.56056 6.28376 4.68983
 S 9.16906 2.28651 4.68983
 S 24.81997 1.71074 10.22551
 S 8.42848 5.70799 10.22551
 S 12.08748 6.57702 3.54505
 S 28.47898 2.57977 3.54505
 S 11.34689 1.41748 9.08073
 S 27.73839 5.41473 9.08073
 S 11.74373 0.68898 1.53781
 S 28.13523 4.68623 1.53781
 S 11.00315 7.30552 7.07349
 S 27.39465 3.30827 7.07349
 C 2.50124 7.97352 2.72134
 C 18.89274 3.97627 2.72134
 C 1.76066 0.02098 8.25702
 C 18.15215 4.01823 8.25702
 H 2.98979 0.63970 2.22534
 H 19.38129 4.63695 2.22534
 H 2.24920 7.35480 7.76102
 H 18.64071 3.35755 7.76102
 H 1.85588 0.41427 3.28266
 H 18.24738 4.41152 3.28266
 H 1.11530 7.58023 8.81834
 H 17.50680 3.58298 8.81834
 H 2.05231 7.38359 2.11352
 H 18.44381 3.38634 2.11352
 H 1.31173 0.61091 7.64920
 H 17.70323 4.60816 7.64920
 F 32.09159 6.20228 3.55280
 F 15.70009 2.20503 3.55280
 F 31.35101 1.79222 9.08848
 F 14.95951 5.78947 9.08848
 F 31.99917 0.61481 3.45094
 F 15.60767 4.61206 3.45094
 F 31.25859 7.37969 8.98662
 F 14.86709 3.38244 8.98662
 F 30.39326 0.65482 5.22458
 F 14.00176 4.65207 5.22458
 F 29.65268 7.33968 10.76026
 F 13.26118 3.34243 10.76026
 F 30.47339 6.23106 5.35854
 F 14.08189 2.23381 5.35854
 F 29.73280 1.76344 10.89422
 F 13.34130 5.76069 10.89422
 F 29.96030 7.30601 3.28598
 F 13.56880 3.30876 3.28598
 F 29.21972 0.68849 8.82166
 F 12.82821 4.68574 8.82166
 F -0.26088 7.52461 5.52461
 F 16.13062 3.52736 5.52461
 F -1.00147 0.46989 11.06029
 F 15.39003 4.46714 11.06029
 C 4.77264 7.25965 3.40666
 C 21.16414 3.26240 3.40666
 C 4.03205 0.73485 8.94234
 C 20.42355 4.73210 8.94234
 C 7.12868 7.79932 2.56191
 C 23.52018 3.80207 2.56191
 C 6.38809 0.19518 8.09759
 C 22.77959 4.19243 8.09759
 C 24.86295 7.22306 5.97079
 C 8.47145 3.22581 5.97079
 C 25.60353 0.77144 0.43510
 C 9.21203 4.76869 0.43510
 C 18.61690 7.45190 6.77235
 C 2.22540 3.45465 6.77235
 C 19.35749 0.54260 1.23667
 C 2.96599 4.53985 1.23667
 C 11.00638 7.55584 2.60731
 C 27.39788 3.55859 2.60731
 C 10.26580 0.43866 8.14299
 C 26.65730 4.43591 8.14299
 C 9.65436 7.44215 2.72245
 C 26.04587 3.44490 2.72245
 C 8.91378 0.55235 8.25813
 C 25.30528 4.54960 8.25813
 C 16.66566 0.56358 7.82192
 C 0.27416 4.56083 7.82192
 C 17.40624 7.43092 2.28624
 C 1.01474 3.43367 2.28624
 H 17.33387 0.90270 8.42088
 H 0.94237 4.89995 8.42088
 H 18.07446 7.09180 2.88520
 H 1.68295 3.09455 2.88520
 H 15.99844 0.08734 8.32234
 H -0.39307 4.08459 8.32234
 H 16.73902 7.90716 2.78666
 H 0.34752 3.90991 2.78666
 H 16.25380 1.29452 7.35581
 H -0.13770 5.29177 7.35581
 H 16.99438 6.69998 1.82013
 H 0.60288 2.70273 1.82013
 C 2.84149 6.31548 4.62008
 C 19.23299 2.31823 4.62008
 C 2.10091 1.67902 10.15576
 C 18.49241 5.67627 10.15576
 H 3.50975 5.72019 4.96440
 H 19.90125 1.72294 4.96440
 H 2.76917 2.27431 10.50008
 H 19.16067 6.27156 10.50008
 H 2.12009 5.80314 4.23922
 H 18.51159 1.80589 4.23922
 H 1.37951 2.19136 9.77491
 H 17.77101 6.18861 9.77491
 H 2.49999 6.86149 5.33308
 H 18.89149 2.86424 5.33308
 H 1.75941 1.13301 10.86876
 H 18.15091 5.13026 10.86876
 C 16.35379 6.90785 5.93536
 C -0.03771 2.91060 5.93536
 C 17.09438 1.08665 0.39968
 C 0.70288 5.08390 0.39968
 H 16.84589 6.32182 5.35300
 H 0.45439 2.32457 5.35300
 H 16.10531 1.67268 10.88868
 H -0.28619 5.66993 10.88868
 H 15.86389 7.54510 5.40947
 H -0.52761 3.54785 5.40947
 H 15.12331 0.44940 10.94515
 H -1.26819 4.44665 10.94515
 H 15.74245 6.39404 6.46678
 H -0.64905 2.39679 6.46678
 H 16.48303 1.60046 0.93110
 H 0.09153 5.59771 0.93110
 C 17.30660 7.62854 6.82992
 C 0.91510 3.63129 6.82992
 C 18.04719 0.36596 1.29424
 C 1.65569 4.36321 1.29424
 C 3.44486 7.19037 3.56498
 C 19.83636 3.19312 3.56498
 C 2.70427 0.80413 9.10066
 C 19.09577 4.80138 9.10066
 C 7.30907 6.93029 3.56166
 C 23.70057 2.93304 3.56166
 C 6.56849 1.06421 9.09734
 C 22.95999 5.06146 9.09734
 C 23.51465 7.25282 6.17782
 C 7.12315 3.25557 6.17782
 C 24.25523 0.74168 0.64214
 C 7.86373 4.73893 0.64214
 C 21.16001 7.74028 6.99710
 C 4.76851 3.74303 6.99710
 C 21.90060 0.25422 1.46142
 C 5.50910 4.25147 1.46142
 C 21.00252 6.87857 5.99071
 C 4.61102 2.88132 5.99071
 C 21.74310 1.11593 0.45503
 C 5.35160 5.11318 0.45503
 C 27.41664 7.76370 5.98186
 C 11.02514 3.76645 5.98186
 C 28.15722 0.23080 0.44618
 C 11.76572 4.22805 0.44618
 H 27.59489 0.54455 5.42718
 H 11.20339 4.54180 5.42718
 H 26.85431 7.44995 10.96286
 H 10.46280 3.45270 10.96286
 H 28.18126 7.63147 6.56310
 H 11.78976 3.63422 6.56310
 H 28.92184 0.36303 1.02742
 H 12.53034 4.36028 1.02742
 C 27.26323 6.60922 5.13933
 C 10.87173 2.61197 5.13933
 C 26.52265 1.38528 10.67501
 C 10.13115 5.38253 10.67501
 H 27.61795 5.83339 5.59879
 H 11.22645 1.83614 5.59879
 H 28.35854 2.16111 0.06311
 H 11.96704 6.15836 0.06311
 H 27.78169 6.73853 4.33001
 H 11.39019 2.74128 4.33001
 H 27.04111 1.25597 9.86569
 H 10.64961 5.25322 9.86569
 C 13.44202 0.18298 1.85556
 C 29.83352 4.18023 1.85556
 C 12.70144 7.81152 7.39124
 C 29.09294 3.81427 7.39124
 H 13.72839 7.55876 1.16581
 H 30.11989 3.56151 1.16581
 H 12.98780 0.43574 6.70150
 H 29.37930 4.43299 6.70150
 H 14.02273 0.95930 1.82235
 H 30.41423 4.95655 1.82235
 H 13.28214 7.03520 7.35803
 H 29.67364 3.03795 7.35803
 C 13.55775 7.53144 3.17416
 C 29.94925 3.53419 3.17416
 C 12.81716 0.46306 8.70984
 C 29.20866 4.46031 8.70984
 H 13.68661 0.21518 3.85616
 H 30.07811 4.21243 3.85616
 H 12.94602 7.77932 9.39184
 H 29.33752 3.78207 9.39184
 H 14.33307 6.94883 3.18191
 H 30.72457 2.95158 3.18191
 H 13.59248 1.04567 8.71759
 H 29.98398 5.04292 8.71759
K_POINTS automatic
 1 2 2 0 0 0

Thanks and regards

Stephan Ludwig

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