[Pw_forum] Temperature and Pressure control in FPMD simulation

Lily Anh lily_physics at yahoo.com.sg
Thu Jul 29 15:30:54 CEST 2010

Dear all,
I planned to do a NPT simulation with FPMD code. I adopted Nose thermostat for both ions and fictious electrons. However, in the output files, it says electronic and ionic temperature are not controlled. Do not know why. 

The input file:
    calculation = 'fpmd',                                                                                                     
    restart_mode = 'from_scratch',                                                                                            
    ndr = 50,                                                                                                                 
    ndw = -1,                                                                                                                 
    nstep  = 100000,                                                                                                          
    iprint = 10,                                                                                                              
    isave  = 100,                                                                                                             
    tstress = .TRUE.,                                                                                                         
    tprnfor = .TRUE.,                                                                                                         
    dt    = 5.0d0,                                                                                                            
    etot_conv_thr = 1.d-8,                                                                                                    
    prefix = 'h2-h2o',                                                                                                        
    pseudo_dir = '/pseudo/',                                                                      
    ibrav = 14,                                                                                                               
    celldm(1)  =15.32039374349225306466,                                                                                      
    celldm(2) = 1.0,                                                                                                          
    celldm(3) = .72241957765936451549,                                                                                        
    celldm(4) = 0.0,                                                                                                          
    celldm(5) = 0.0,                                                                                                          
    celldm(6) = 0.0,                                                                                                          
    nat = 80,                                                                                                                 
    ntyp = 2,                                                                                                                 
    ecutwfc = 80.0,                                                                                                           
    ecfixed = 78.0,                                                                                                           
    emass = 100.d0,                                                                                                           
    emass_cutoff = 2.5d0,                                                                                                     
    orthogonalization = 'ortho',                                                                                              
    ortho_eps = 5.d-8,                                                                                                        
    ortho_max = 100,                                                                                                          
    electron_dynamics = 'sd',                                                                                                 
    electron_velocities = 'zero',                                                                                             
    electron_temperature = 'nose',                                                                                            
    ion_dynamics = 'sd',                                                                                                      
    ion_radius(1) = 0.8d0,                                                                                                    
    ion_radius(2) = 0.5d0,                                                                                                    
    ion_velocities = 'zero',                                                                                                  
    ion_temperature = 'nose'                                                                                                  
    cell_dynamics = 'damp-pr',                                                                                                
    cell_velocities = 'zero',                                                                                                 
    press = 200.0d0,                                                                                                          
    wmass = 70000.0d0                                                                                                         
 O 15.9994 O.pbe-mt.upf                                                                                                       
 H 1.00794 H.pbe-vbc.UPF                                                                                                      
ATOMIC_POSITIONS (crystal)                                                                                                    
O       0.12402 0.12402 0                                                                                                     
O       0.12402 0.62402 0                                                                                                     
O       0.62402 0.12402 0                                                                                                     
O       0.62402 0.62402 0                                                                                                     
O       0.37598 0.37598 0.5                                                                                                   
O       0.37598 0.87598 0.5                                                                                                   
O       0.87598 0.37598 0.5                                                                                                   
O       0.87598 0.87598 0.5                                                                                                   
O       0.12598 0.37402 0.25                                                                                                  
O       0.12598 0.87402 0.25                                                                                                  
O       0.62598 0.37402 0.25                                                                                                  
O       0.62598 0.87402 0.25                                                                                                  
O       0.37402 0.12598 0.75                                                                                                  
O       0.37402 0.62598 0.75                                                                                                  
O       0.87402 0.12598 0.75                                                                                                  
O       0.87402 0.62598 0.75                                                                                                  
H       0.12256 0.02125 0.10225                                                                                               
H       0.12256 0.52125 0.10225                                                                                               
H       0.62256 0.02125 0.10225                                                                                               
H       0.62256 0.52125 0.10225                                                                                               
H       0.09972 0.13926 0.45107                                                                                               
H       0.09972 0.63926 0.45107                                                                                               
H       0.59972 0.13926 0.45107                                                                                               
H       0.59972 0.63926 0.45107                                                                                               
H       0.37744 0.47875 0.60225                                                                                               
H       0.37744 0.97875 0.60225                                                                                               
H       0.87744 0.47875 0.60225                                                                                               
H       0.87744 0.97875 0.60225                                                                                               
H       0.40028 0.36074 0.95107                                                                                               
H       0.40028 0.86074 0.95107                                                                                               
H       0.90028 0.36074 0.95107                                                                                               
H       0.90028 0.86074 0.95107                                                                                               
H       0.22875 0.37256 0.35225                                                                                               
H       0.22875 0.87256 0.35225                                                                                               
H       0.72875 0.37256 0.35225                                                                                               
H       0.72875 0.87256 0.35225                                                                                               
H       0.11074 0.34972 0.70107                                                                                               
H       0.11074 0.84972 0.70107                                                                                               
H       0.61074 0.34972 0.70107                                                                                               
H       0.61074 0.84972 0.70107
H       0.27125 0.12744 0.85225
H       0.27125 0.62744 0.85225
H       0.77125 0.12744 0.85225
H       0.77125 0.62744 0.85225
H       0.38926 0.15028 0.20107
H       0.38926 0.65028 0.20107
H       0.88926 0.15028 0.20107
H       0.88926 0.65028 0.20107
H       0.12744 0.27125 0.14775
H       0.12744 0.77125 0.14775
H       0.62744 0.27125 0.14775
H       0.62744 0.77125 0.14775
H       0.15028 0.38926 0.79893
H       0.15028 0.88926 0.79893
H       0.65028 0.38926 0.79893
H       0.65028 0.88926 0.79893
H       0.37256 0.22875 0.64775
H       0.37256 0.72875 0.64775
H       0.87256 0.22875 0.64775
H       0.87256 0.72875 0.64775
H       0.34972 0.11074 0.29893
H       0.34972 0.61074 0.29893
H       0.84972 0.11074 0.29893
H       0.84972 0.61074 0.29893
H       0.02125 0.12256 0.89775
H       0.02125 0.62256 0.89775
H       0.52125 0.12256 0.89775
H       0.52125 0.62256 0.89775
H       0.13926 0.09972 0.54893
H       0.13926 0.59972 0.54893
H       0.63926 0.09972 0.54893
H       0.63926 0.59972 0.54893
H       0.47875 0.37744 0.39775
H       0.47875 0.87744 0.39775
H       0.97875 0.37744 0.39775
H       0.97875 0.87744 0.39775
H       0.36074 0.40028 0.04893
H       0.36074 0.90028 0.04893
H       0.86074 0.40028 0.04893
H       0.86074 0.90028 0.04893

And the averaged physical quantities from output file:
                      accomulated      this run
   ekinc         :        0.00655       0.00655 (AU)
   ekin          :      216.67593     216.67593 (AU)
   epot          :     -497.28571    -497.28571 (AU)
   total energy  :     -293.97401    -293.97401 (AU)
   temperature   :        0.02392       0.02392 (K )
   enthalpy      :     -274.59255    -274.59255 (AU)
   econs         :     -274.58884    -274.58884 (AU)
   pressure      :        0.10872       0.10872 (Gpa)
   volume        :     2851.11076    2851.11076 (AU)

Also, the averaged temperaure and pressure are far away from the target value set in the input file. Could someone please give me some clue?
Thanks and Regards
Lily (PhD candidate)
Nanyang Technological University

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