[Pw_forum] vc-relax

carlo sbraccia sbraccia at sissa.it
Wed Nov 3 15:58:03 CET 2004

Dear Ben,

the order of namelists in the input file is not arbitrary. You must
specify namelists in this order (the one given in Doc/INPUT_PW !!!):

&IONS     <= if needed
&CELL     <= if needed
&PHONON   <= if needed
&RAMAN    <= if needed


On Wed, 2004-11-03 at 15:43, B.T. Hope wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am trying to perform a vc-relax calculation but keep getting the error 
> message
> from  read_namelists  : error #         1
>       reading namelist ions
> Here is my input file:
>                  calculation = 'vc-relax' ,
>                 restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
>                   pseudo_dir = '/scratch/bth/Programs/Espresso/pseudo/' ,
>                       prefix = 'Co',
>                    verbosity = 'high',
>                           dt = 100,
>                      tstress = .true.
>                      tprnfor = .true.
> /
>                        ibrav = 2,
>                            A = 4.738,
>                            B = 4.738,
>                            C = 7.690,
>                        cosAB = -0.5 ,
>                        cosAC = 0.0 ,
>                        cosBC = 0.0 ,
>                          nat = 2,
>                         ntyp = 1,
>                      ecutwfc = 20 ,
>                      ecutrho = 80 ,
>       starting_magnetization = 1.0,		
>                        nspin = 2,
>                  occupations = 'smearing',
>                      degauss = 0.001,
> /
>               cell_dynamics = 'damp-pr',
> /
>                ion_dynamics = 'damp',
>                       tempw = 300.0,
> /
>     diagonalization='$diago'
>     mixing_mode = 'plain'
>     mixing_beta = 0.7 
>     conv_thr =  1.0d-8
> /
>    Co   58.93  Co.pbe-nd-rrkjus.UPF
>    Co      0.333333333    0.666666667    0.250000000    0  0  0 
>    Co      0.666666667    0.333333333    0.750000000    0  0  0 
> K_POINTS automatic 
>   2 2 1   1 1 1 
> Can anyone see what's going wrong?
> Thanks
> Ben

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