[Pw_forum] Re: about plotrho.x

xywu xywu at imr.ac.cn
Wed Dec 22 01:53:05 CET 2004

pw_forum-request at pwscf.org wrote:

>Message: 1
>From: Paolo Giannozzi <giannozz at nest.sns.it>
>Organization: Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
>To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
>Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] : about  plotrho.x
>Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 10:12:35 +0100
>Reply-To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
>On Monday 20 December 2004 06:10, xywu wrote:
>>>Please give me some advice about the format and the means of
>use the code interactively: it will print what it requires
About the program plotrho.

I've read some of the code plotrho.f90,

the follows are found:
if (rhomin > 0.d0) then
     WRITE( stdout,'("Logarithmic scale (y/n)? > ",$)')
     read (5, '(a)') ans
     logarithmic_scale = ans.ne.'n'.and.ans.ne.'N'
     logarithmic_scale = .false.
  end if
10 continue
  WRITE( stdout, '("Bounds: ",2f12.6)') rhomin, rhomax
  WRITE( stdout, '("min, max, # of levels > ",$)')
  read (5, * ) rhoomin, rhoomax, nlevels
In the file


-0.1 0.09 6
the first and the second are the filenames. "n" is the "ans" needed in 
the program.
 -0.1 0.09 6 are rhoomin, rhoomax, nlevels in the program.

It's also shown that if rhomin < 0, the "n" is not needed in the input 
file. But i don't konw the meaning of "n" now, and the rhoomin, rhoomax 
are the range to plot.

Best regards


 Institute of Metal Research (IMR)
 the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS)
 Shenyang,Liaoning,P.R.China 110016
E_mail:xywu at imr.ac.cn

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