import AFLOWpi # start the AFLOWpirame session session = AFLOWpi.prep.init('ACBN0', 'NiO', config='./ACBN0.config') # choose the values for the keywords in the ref file allvars = {'_AFLOWPI_A_':('Ni1',),'_AFLOWPI_B_':('Ni2',),'_AFLOWPI_C1_':('O',),'_AFLOWPI_C2_':('O',),} # form the calculation set from ref input and allvars dict calcs = session.scfs(allvars,'ACBN0.ref') # relax the structure #calcs.vcrelax() #calcs.vcrelax() # calculate the the DOS and PDOS for SrTiO3 #calcs.dos() #calcs.plot.opdos(en_range=[-10,10],postfix='without_acbn0') # calculate the bands for SrTiO3 #calcs.bands(nk=200) # do the plot the Electronic Band Structure # and atom projected DOS for SrTiO3 #calcs.plot.bands(en_range=[-10,10],DOSPlot='APDOS', postfix='without_acbn0') # run the ACBN0 pseudo-hybrid functional to # self-consistently get Hubbard U calcs.acbn0(thresh=0.1,relax='scf', kp_factor=2.0) # calculate the the DOS and PDOS for PBE+U SrTiO3 #calcs.vcrelax() #calcs.dos() # do the plot the Oribital Proj. DOS for PBE+U SrTiO3 #calcs.plot.opdos(en_range=[-10,10],postfix='with_acbn0') # calculate the bands for PBE+U SrTiO3 #calcs.bands(nk=200) # do the plot the Electronic Band Structure # and atom projected DOS for PBE+U SrTiO3 #calcs.plot.bands(en_range=[-10,10],DOSPlot='APDOS',postfix='with_acbn0') # run the calculation workflow calcs.submit()