<div dir="ltr">Dear developers,<div><br></div><div>After reading many threads about the subject, and lot of testing, I still not very confident in handling the phases of wave functions. I would appreciate if you could help me with the following:</div><div><br></div><div>1. Do all wave-functions (of all bands) of a given k-point have the same phase? In other words, is psi(k, ib1) psi(k, ib2)* gauge invariant?</div><div>2. I want also to calculate
psi(k, ib1) psi(k2, ib2)*. How should it be done so the random phases of wfc do not affect the result? </div><div>3. Could you please tell me if there is any part of the PWSCF code that deals with phase of wave function so I can learn how it is done?</div><div><br></div><div>Thank you very much. Be safe!</div><div><br></div><div>Duy Le</div><div>University of Central Florida <br></div></div>