Yet Another TODO List for QE - Updated Jan 2019 - PG 1. General Organization of QE (including cleanup and modularization) 1.1 Cleanup of "control_flags" module Description of the problem: Even after some cleanup, the "control_flag" module is still a hodgepodge of miscellaneous variables in which it is hard to find a logic. While most of them are control variables (i.e. variables that control the flux of the code), there are also other parameters and thresholds; variables that are initialized and never change, other that change all the time during the run; variables used everywhere along with variables used only in a single code or in a single special case. Not all control variables are in "control_flags", though: many others are distributed in other modules. Actions: Remove obsolete variables; displace obviously misplaced ones (for instance those that are used in very specific places or in specific codes); elaborate a strategy about the remaining ones. Possibilities: - Collect all variables affecting the flux of the code (and only those) into control_flags. Advantage: straightforward, minimizes dependencies of main routines. Disavantage: control_flags will still contain a bunch of variables not having much in common beyond being control variables. - Distribute them into modules to which they belong. Advantage: more "modular" solution. Disavantage: may add a large number of dependencies upon modules under the form of USE this, ONLY: that. 1.2 Reorganization of relax, md, vc-relax and vc-md in PWscf. Description of the problem: Electronic-structure calculations typically consist of an external loop over the atomic structure (cell and/or atomic positions), in which stresses and/or forces are computed and used to find the next structure. PWscf is organized in a different way: a do loop in which an electronic scf step ("electrons") is followed by force and stress calculation and by an ionic step ("move_ions") that computes the new structure (this was done in order to accommodate the Car-Parrinello case, no longer implemented in PWscf, while the CP code has a completely different, and messier, structure). Subroutine move_ions is a mixture of different codes, written by different people in different times, following different logics, writing different files, implementing different but partially overlapping functionalities that are almost orthogonal to those of CP. It is not obvious to figure out what the code is doing and what are the variables of the current step and what those of the previous or next step, especially for variable-cell calculations. A few long-ranged consequences of this situation: - 'move_ions' restarts at each time step, reading and writing a restart file (or more than one). Restart in 'electrons' follows a different logic (sec.6.2 of the developer manual): files are written when the code is cleanly stopped, with each loop saving its own internal state. - Wavefunction and charge density interpolation, used in MD, follows an internal (il-)logic that produces a disproportionate amount of I/O (files are closed and opened at each step) Actions: - In extrapolation, the needed files should be kept in memory as "buffers", not closed; saved only in case of a clean stop, read if restarting. Alternative: rename files instead of reading and rewriting them (not sure this can be done with open files, though) - Restructure move_ions: a complete rewriting is long and tedious, but we should recast the various pieces into a common structure, unifying step index, current and next cell/atoms, and a single restart file (output files as well, that must be documented) with the same logic as for electrons. - Merge thermostats, starting conditions, etc., with CP - We should keep track of the starting cell in variable-cell calculations (this is something that CP does: see variable "cell_ref") 1.3 Final data I/O Description of the problem: While most I/O problems have disappeared with the old format, there are still a few things to be done and a few sources of trouble to be removed: - Obsolete variable wf_collect is still there - We cannot remove iotk because it is still used here and there - PWscf uses the same directory for reading and writing. There should be a clear distinction between the two, like in CP (which however uses an obsolete style with "ndr" and "ndw" variables). By the way: machine-dependent quantities like "outdir" should not be read as input variables but only via environment variables. - The schema is not sufficient as documentation: we need to know what exactly is written to file, and in which units - The new XML input is written to data file but cannot be read directly by the code (should it be? to be decided) - The current algorithm for portable I/O of binary data requires the allocation of a large, nondistributed array of indices for global sorting (on all G-vectors). This may become a memory bottleneck. See also the "shell ordering" problem in 2.4. - It would be useful to write warning and error messages in the XML output data file - The routine "read_file_new", in spite of its being "new", uses the same "old" style of reading wavefunctions, rewriting them to direct-access files ("read_collected_to_evc" routine). This is wasteful (see also the "scratch I/O" problem below, 1.4) and unnecessary for most post-processing codes, that need to read the wavefunctions just once. Moreover read_file_new does too many things, and even "read_file_xml" does more than just reading the xml file. Actions: - Remove wf_collect, update documentation accordingly - Replace iotk with FoX everywhere, or delete it. Most of the residual usage of iotk is in the phonon code, for which we should proceed with the new XML format - It could be a good idea to write the xml data file into the hdf5 file - Write (optionally) binary files in single precision: should be sufficient for most purposes - Introduce a distinction between "indir" and "outdir" (today there is only the latter, both for input and for output); deprecate "outdir" (and possibly other similar variables) as input variable - Document what is written and in which units everywhere. Also: provide sample code to extract data from data files. - Consider reading input XML directly - Start thinking about parallel HDF5 - Take wavefunction reading out of read_file_new, read single wavefunctions directly from the data directory when needed (storing them into buffer if needed) 1.4 Scratch I/O during execution Description of the problem: PWscf still uses the old paradigm of "keep one k-point in memory, store all others to file", with the "buffer" trick allowing transparent storing in memory and not on disk. It is questionable whether the old paradigm is still valid on modern machines: typically, the RAM per single processor should be amply sufficient for all jobs that can be reasonably run on a single processor. While the "buffer trick" allows to avoid most of the read/write in PWscf, it is not present in all other codes having k-point capabilities (e.g. PHonon), that make a vast amount of I/O. Actions: - Remove I/O of rho mixing information: it is useful to have exactly the same behavior when restarting, but not for much more than that. - Remove the "buffer" machinery, add a k-point index to wavefunctions. This is a major change that will affect most of QE codes, though. Alternatively: keep the buffer machinery, extend it to PHonon and similar codes 1.5 Plugins Description of the problem: Many additions and extensions to PWscf have found their way into the released code. It is however not always desirable to have all possible extensions built-in into the code, especially for little-used, highly specialistic options: it makes the code harder to read and to work with, its input a big mess of variables and options. It would be desirable to have a way to add "on demand" some features (ideally at run time like Linux kernel modules, but this is obviously beyond what is realistic) to the code, by patching the code at some specific places, or returning the needed quantites via some "hook" routines in the main code. There is currently a "plugin" machinery, implemented for the following cases: - Environ - Plumed (old version) - pw2casino The latter case does not actually imply any patching of the code. So only Plumed and Environ are actually there Actions: - make a list of existing and forthcoming options that should be better moved into a plugin. Good candidates may include: - QMMM - Plumed (new version) - external electric fields (sawtooth) - external potentials - constraints, external forces - RISM-3D (currently in a branch) - ESM - Examine whether the current plugin machinery is what we need, and if so, extend it to more cases; if not, think something different; if not at all, let's drop it. - Document what has to be done in order to add a plugin 1.6 XC functionals Description of the problem: The existing machinery for XC functionals is rich but confusing. It is a good candidate to become a "domain-specific" library with a relatively minor effort, with some cleanup and optimization in the meantime. Actions: - Since there is already another library, libxc, used in many other codes, it is convenient to make a common interface between libxc and our functionals, at least for the main functionalities. Something along these lines is already in place (look for for __LIBXC in the code). We might even consider giving up our functionals in favor of libxc, but it seems to me a dumb move. - Turn our functionals into a library. This may also be an opportunity to make the code easier to use and to parallelize. For instance, the choice of which functional to use should be done outside the loop over grid points, not inside as it is now. Also: we should be more careful with the rho->0, grho->0 limit. - Unify calls to meta-GGA and GGA (no meta) functionals, that are currently done by two different but strongly overlapping routines 1.7 Reorganization of charge density in the LSDA case Description of the problem: Currently the charge density in the LSDA case is organized as rho(:,1)=rho up, rho(:,2)=rho down, while in the noncolinear case it is rho(:,1)=rho tot, rho(:,2:4)=magnetization. Actions: Convert the charge density in the LSDA case to rho(:,1)=rho tot, rho(:,2) = magnetization. This would make the LSDA case more similar to the unpolarized and nonoclinear cases. It may also reduce the need for the current bunch of nspin_this and nspin_that variables. 1.8 Reorganization of CP Description of the problem: The structure of CP is seriously different from the one of PWscf (see 1.2) and the dynamics of CP is almost orthogonal to the one of PWscf (the only common calculation being plain Verlet). Unfortunately there are differences also at a deeper level, in the way the cell and atomic positions are stored (even units are different). Actions: - split plain-vanilla CP from the rest, leaving the Wannier-function version of CP as a separated one (reason: together with the conjugate gradient stuff, it is the messier part of CP). - Unify units in CP and PW. It is obviously much faster to adopt PW units in CP than the opposite. - Unify cell and atomic positions in CP and PW (beware crystal coordinates vs a0 units, ordering of atoms, trasposition of matrices, etc.) - Recast the structure of CP code into one more similar to that of PWscf. This requires either a major refactoring or many small steps pointing in the same direction. It is a major effort anyway. - Merge thermostats and constraints in CP and PWscf - In the long run, it might be conceivable to merge, at least for the Gamma-point case, the electronic minimization of CP with self consistency of PW and use a single global minimization 1.9 QE as a library Description of the problem: There are many cases in which the DFT part of PWscf (or of CP) is used as quantum engine by other codes (fortran codes in QE itself, or in other languages and external to QE): - structural optimization - molecular dynamics - NEB - basin hopping (private implementation exists) - genetic algorithms (there are some implementations around) - "steering" with ASE or other python-based frameworks - ... While the actual implementation is in theory appropriate, there are invariably some minor or subtle differences that spoil the nice picture. Actions: - Figure out which routines performing specific tasks (initialization, scf, forces, etc.) are used in the way described above and what do they need. Problems typically arise from I/O more often than from computation (see previous observations on "outdir" variables). It might be needed to move I/O-related input data from input file to command line or environment variable, or convert to fixed-name files. - At a fine-grained level, we should make it more explicit which routines (in particular, initialization routines) depend upon - lattice vectors - atomic positions - k-points - ... in order to know what to call in case some of the above variables change. We should also make more explicit which variables are needed and which routines must be called before executing specific and relevant parts of the code (in particular, H\psi) 2. QE Features 2.1 Dealing with "not implemented" and "half-baked" features Description of the problem: There are many calculations that are not implemented in some cases. Most such cases are flagged as errors, but some (especially in the phonon code) are not, potentially leading to wrong results. A few cases: - noncollinear stress for GGA and hybrid functionals - band structure for hybrid functionals - almost everything with meta-GGA, which in addition has serious convergence issues (see 1.3) and no PP generation code available in QE - TS-VdW with USPP/PAW - orbital magnetization with LSDA - Forces for generalized DFT+U - DFT+U with more than a single U per atom - Plugin for PLUMED v.3 There are also several implemented features that are seldom (or never) used because little know, documented and studied. Tentative list: - USPP and PAW for hybrid functionals: both are extraordinarily slow, the latter does not seem to work properly - Fourier filtering of beta(r) and q(r) functions (see 3.2) - QMMM with MPI communicators: not clear whether it works or not Actions: - Implement/complete/document/make robust those cases that appear to be useful - Disable and forget those cases that are too difficult to implement or that do not seem to work well or to be of interest to anybody 2.2 Hybrid functionals Description of the problem: After the implementation of ACE plus parallelization over pairs of bands (PPB) and of SCDM localization, the code computing hybrid functionals is much faster but also in a rather confusing state. Most of the problems come from PPB, that seems to be more complex and to use more memory than needed, and whose inner behavior nobody knows (except maybe Ye Luo). Also, PPB and SCDM are not compatible, since the latter decides at run time which pairs of bands enter the sum, with no possibility to balance across processors. Also: SCDM requires bands in real-space buffer exxbuff to be stored as real vectors, not as pairs in a complex vector (current choice for Gamma; k-SCDM status is unclear) Actions: - Decide a strategy: - merge everything? keep PPB separated from ACE+SCDM (at Gamma), from ACE (at k)? other possibilities? - what should we do with the non-ACE case? if deleted, it should be possible, at least at Gamma, to speed up a bit and to save memory - If we keep the PPB, we should simplify it and make it consistent with band parallelization in the rest of the code (I am not sure it is now) 2.3 Meta-GGA functionals Description of the problem: Meta-GGA functionals are implemented in QE (both in PW and in CP) but they are numerically very unstable. SCAN is numerically stable but very "noisy" unless a very dense FFT grid is used to compuet the V\nabla\psi term. There is no PP generation code for metaGGA. Actions: - Port into QE the old meta-GGA code (still available and still working) - figure out the origin of numerical instabilities of the current implementation, if possible, or a way to deal with the V\nabla\psi term without increasing the FFT grid everywhere: is it convenient to introduce a custom grid on the fly? 2.4 Miscellaneous improvements - Add possibility to compute k-point grids of prescribed density - PHonon: better mixing algorithm, with better convergence criterion (the current criterion looks weird if not incorrect to me) - Supercells given via cell + matrix - Variable-cell calculations: get rid of the infamous error message "not enough space allocated for fft". May need some re-organization of initialization (made less frequent by increasing cell_factor) - The ordering inside shells of G-vectors (and also of k+G vectors in presence of k-points) is unpredictable. The same code on the same machine finds the same order, but even minimal differences have the potential to yield a different ordering. We should never rely on the assumption that we are going to find the same ordering as in a previous run: indices should be always read from file, not recomputed (but parallel FFT must not be broken). One should also be very careful in assuming that the k+G list at k=0 is the same with and without the "igk_k" ordering. 3. Performances (algorithmic improvements) 3.1 Extend Gamma-point trick Description of the problem: For functions of G (not of k+G) that are real in real space (rho, V, augmentation charges) we can always use only half G-vectors and perform two FFT's at the same time. This is always done in CP, but not in PW (only when k=0 are "Gamma tricks" applied) Actions: - change the distribution of G-vectors so that the "gamma trick" is always applicable. In order to ensure compatibility with existing code, and with cases where the trick cannot be applied (e.g. phonon at finite q), one might do the following: keep a separate variable (e.g. ngm0, ngms0) for the half sphere, allocate and fill indices nl, nls up to the complete sphere. The code can thus be changed one piece at the time. ALTERNATIVE (SdG): implement real FFT, by performing the gamma trick inside the FFT, removing almost entirely gamma tricks from the code 3.2 Augmentation charges and pseudopotential projectors in real space Description of the problem: Augmentation charges and scalar products <\psi_i|\beta_j> can be quickly computed in real space, by exploiting locality of beta's and Q's. A partial implementation exists, works reasonably well for augmentation charges (tqr option), less so for betas (real_space option). The problem is that real-space beta's and Q that are equivalent to their G-space counterparts at finite cutoff are not strictly localized in space, unlike functions at infinite cutoff. A "Fourier filtering" has been implemented by SdG, but it is insufficiently tested. Actions: - extensively test Fourier filtering, especially for beta's 3.3 "Adaptive" calculations Description of the problem: It would be very convenient to start long calculations (e.g. structural optimizations) with a low cutoff, refine with the final cutoff. The same applies to the k-point grid: one could start with a minimal grid, refine with the final one. Currently, none of the above is possible without restarting from scratch. Actions: - Study how to read rho(G) computed for a small grid of G, and bring it to a larger G grid (maybe it is already possible) - Same for \psi_i(G) (less obvious) - Project \psi_k on a local basis set, obtain the tight-binding Hamiltonian, interpolate for the required k-point grid. This would be useful in general, also to speed up the calculation of the band structure. 4. Performances (parallelization) 4.1 Better strong scaling (i.e. at fixed problem size) Description of the problem: In spite of the many available parallelization levels, PWscf does not scale well beyond a relatively small number of processors, especially for USPP and PAW where the lower cutoff makes the H\psi term less dominant (or even not dominant at all). The content of this page: is unfortunately still true, at least in its main lines. The main bottlenecks limiting strong scaling are, in decreasing order of importance: - subspace (conventional) diagonalization in Davidson. ScaLAPACK and ELPA do not scale beyond N^2 processors when the number or rows or columns divided by N is smaller than a few hundreds (and they never scale well). In CP this is also true but CP makes a smaller usage of conventional diagonalization - Calculation of charge density and potentials. These calculations (which are replicated on different pools in case of k-point parallelization) may take a sizable amount of time, even after the recent speedup of the USPP and PAW parts. The 'local-TF' mixing mode is also expensive. - FFT's on rho and V, not scaling when than number of MPI processes exceeds the third FFT dimension. Task groups help for FFT's in H\psi but not for FFT's on charge density and potentials. The new FFT by SdG should however have changed this. Actions: - Check whether Davidson with minimal subspace (diago_david_ndim=2) works better than the default diago_david_ndim=4 (I suspect that it is convenient in many more cases than not) - Study how well new iterative diagonalizations with reduced[1] subspace diagonalization perform, in particular: PPCG (in KS_solvers/), RM-DIIS (in Nisihara's fork). Some references: * PPCG ( is available in KS_Solvers for diagonalizazion without overlap matrix) * ParO:, * LOPBCG (A. Knyazev, SIAM J. Sci.Comput. 23 (2) (2001) 517–541; ) [1] ideally absent, in practice must be done for numerical stability, but even reducing subspace diagonalization to one every 4-5 H\psi, on matrices NbxNb, Nb=number of states, would be a big improvement Even if none of these proves able to replace Davidson, a replacement of poorly-scaling but memory-sparing CG diagonalization would already be useful - There is some confusion with the various kinds of band parallelization what works well, what not so well, what not at all (see also 2.2) Examine the performances of parallelization over bands (preferrably, distributed bands), in addition to (or in replacement of) task groups. If unsatisfactory, we should decide what to do. Band parallelization might allow to remove the current code in calbec computing |\beta_l><\beta_m|\psi_j> without storing all <\beta_m|\psi_j>, that has never been really used because slow. - Rethink k-point parallelization ("pools"): operations on rho and V should be ideally distributed over all pools, not replicated on each pool. This requires a way to pass from a FFT grid distributed on N processors to grids distributed over N/Nk processors. There are at least two more cases like this in the code: task groups, exact exchange. If not possible, operations should be performed on a single pool and broadcast to all others, to prevent misalignment between processors. - Extend OpenMP parallelization, still not present or not effective in many parts of the code - Add "spot" parallelization levels for parts of the code not currently parallelized, even if they take little time: everything becomes a bottleneck sooner or later. 4.2 Automatic estimate of parallelization parameters Description of the problem: Most inexperienced users use PWscf (and likely also CP) with grossly inadequate parallelization parameters, by setting a large number of processors and expecting the code to cope with it. Even experienced users would appreciate a quick way to estimate the best parallelization options, or an automatic even if sometimes suboptimal estimate. Actions: - Decide and implement heuristic criteria. For instance, given a total number N of processes: * always use k-point parallelization if possible (Nk pools) * if Nfft=N/Nk > Nr3 use Nt task groups so that Nfft=N/Nk/Nt > Nr3/2 * if still too many processes, use 4-8 OpenMP tasks * use Nd*Nd <= Nfft processors for linear algebra so that Nbands/Nd is in the order of some reasonable number (250? 500?) Test the criteria in some cases, improve if needed - Decide and implement criteria for analysing the results, such as: * too large Wall-CPU time difference (not explained by OpenMP) => something is not right * too much time spent in FFT scatter => reduce number of procs for FFTs * too much time spent in subspace diagonalization => change number of processors for linear algebra, use k-point parallelization * ... - Consider probing optimal parallelization, by performing selected tests of relevant operations for different number of processors 5. Performances (stability and robustness) 5.1 Iterative diagonalization problems Description of the problem: Quite often, the Davidson diagonalization crashes because the overlap matrix is not positive definite amd the Choleski decomposition fails. It would be useful to circumvent this problem, that is not always a fatal one but often a transient one that disappears at convergence. Actions: - discard too small correction vectors, replace them with random numbers (or with other correction vectors) - use a fixed-size correction vector packet, same size as trial vectors (too small correction vectors must be discarded, otherwise it is not stable). This would also simplify a lot the algorithm. - exit after a small (fixed) number of iterations, or when the error (size of correction vectors) is reduced by a fixed amount - if Choleski fails: diagonalize S, compute S^{-1/2} discarding negative or too small eigenvalues, solve S^{-1/2}HS^{-1/2}\phi = \epsilon\phi 5.2 Bad SCF convergence Description of the problem: The convergence of the SCF procedure is often lousy, sometimes impossible. Actions: - Figure out when and why, or at least when: it seems to me that spin-polarized cases, DFT+U are the most frequent offenders - Restart mixing with reduced beta in case of insufficient progress - Stop with a more informative message on what to do in case of no progress - It would be conceivable to introduce some form of global minimization, at least at Gamma, instead of self-consistency 6. Porting to new architectures 6.1 GPUs 6.2 QE for Windows QE on Windows basically works. For obscure reasons, however, windows executables are unable to open the scratch directory, apparently depending upon something in the configuration of the Windows machine 7. Building, Testing, Documentation 7.1 Build mechanism and configure Description of the problem: Even after some recent cleanup, the current "configure" machinery still contains a lot of clumsy and obsolete stuff; the documentation is poor; parallel make breaks all the time. The same applies to files in install, notably plugins_list and plugins_makefile, and to the Makefiles. Action: - remove obsolete stuff, update and extend documentation - simplify configure: search only for MPIF90, derive F90 from MPIF90 (DONE). Is the search for F77 really useful any longer? - make compilation with OpenMP the default? - is configure working for libxc / hdf5 / other optional libraries? to be verified - verify whether in the various Makefiles's, dependencies of targets upon $(OBJS), $(LIBS) and the like are needed or useful: I suspect they aren't 7.2 Tests and examples Description of the problem: Existing "examples" cover a large range of cases, but they are - unsuitable for automated check of the correctness of the results - written as scripts, in a way that is confusing for most people - often slow to execute. The test-suite is good for automated testing but works only for a few codes and it is also not exhaustive Actions: Extend automated testing to missing cases and other QE modules. The extension to postprocessing is especially problematic, due to the limited availability of easily testable quantities. 7.3 Ford documentation, standard header Description of the problem: Some time ago it was suggested to add a standard header to all codes and to use Ford for automatic documentation. This hasn't moved much beyond the first two routines, PW/src/pwscf.f90 and PW/src/run_pwscf.f90, though. Actions: - write some "meta-documentation" on how to write documentation - verify whether Ford is the good tool or not. If so, we need some directions on how to use it. If not, we need to search for something else. 7.4 Developer's documentation Description of the problem: nonexistent (the documentation, not the problem) Actions: - bring developer's documentation to existence