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Dear QE developers, <br>
I have downloaded via git the version 6.2 of Quantum Espresso to run
GW-approximation calculations with a test case for silicon. My
version is compiled with intel suite and mpi compilers as shown in
the attached file qe_parallel_cx1.pbs.<br>
Unfortunately, I am getting the following MPI-related error at the
end of the execution of the pw4gww.x command as you might see in the
file ./pw4gww/log.out:<br>
<i>rank 19 in job 1 cx1-132-1-7_41723 caused collective abort of
all ranks</i><i><br>
</i><i> exit status of rank 19: return code 0</i><i><br>
</i><i>rank 16 in job 1 cx1-132-1-7_41723 caused collective abort
of all ranks</i><i><br>
</i><i> exit status of rank 16: return code 0</i><i><br>
</i><i>rank 10 in job 1 cx1-132-1-7_41723 caused collective abort
of all ranks</i><i><br>
</i><i> exit status of rank 10: return code 0</i><br>
As the serial version runs fine and I find the same error in a
different unix machine, I wonder if this problem has to do with a
possible bug in the code or, if I want to solve it, I should
recompile the code with different options or compilers. A quick test
on your side could shed some light on this problem.<br>
In addition, the execution of the serial version of the command
gww.x seems to be hanging.<br>
Best regards,<br>
Fernan Saiz<br>
Department of chemistry<br>
Imperial College London<br>