Dear all, the almost converged program for the developers meeting is the following:<br><br>9h00-9h15 Welcome<br>9h15-10h00 Quantum ESPRESSO Foundation (S. Baroni)<br>10h15-10h30 Overview of last year’s progresses (P. Giannozzi)<br>
10h30-11h00 Collaborative development: how to efficiently use svn (L. Martin-Samos)<br>11h00-11h15 Coffee break<br>11h15-12h00 HPC and PRACE (F. Affinito, C. Cavazzoni, L. Martin-Samos, P. Giannozzi)<br>12h00-12h30 Quantum ESPRESSO on heterogeneous systems (F. Spiga)<br>
<br>12h30-14h00 Lunch break<br><br>14h00-15h45 ASE (K. Jacobsen)<br>14h45-15h15 Quantum ESPRESSO interface for ASE (L. Tornatore)<br>15h15-15h30 Coffee break<br>15h30-16h00 Validation and verification: all-electron (M. Monni and E. Kucukbenli)<br>
16h00-16h30 Spin-orbit related spectroscopy (U. Gerstmann)<br>16h30 - Discussion and plans for the future<br><br>It will be held in the SISSA library's red room (as last year).<br><br>See you all soon, and have nice winter vacations!<br>
<br>Cheers<br><br>Paolo and Layla<br>