[Q-e-developers] problem in cppp.x executable

Devendra Kumar Dubey ddubey at purdue.edu
Sun Feb 6 05:30:30 CET 2011

Dear QE Developers,

I am getting an error while post processing using cppp.x

     from  cppp  : error #         1
      Cannot open file /scratch/......mypath...../cp_51.save/data-file.xml

So I searched in the QE forum about this and found out that Paolo has already given a solution for this in the following post 


where he provides a modified version of fpmdpp.f90 file.

I noticed that this was posted in May 2008. Currently I am using the version 4.2.1, which is installed on a computational cluster and unfortunately I do not have permissions there to edit files.

Before I go ahead and request the computational resource team to recompile espresso with modified code, I thought it would be better to confirm with espresso developers about this issue. Is this bug already fixed in the newer version? or am I getting this error due to some other reasons.

Thank you for your time and attention,

Graduate Research Student
School of Aeronautics & Astronautics
Purdue University

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